Son nom est une fusion avec le mot éléphant (Zo) et le Dieu hindou à tête d'éléphant. Zunesha may be based on the "World Elephant" Hindu concept, which is that a turtle supports elephants which carry the whole world on their backs. Vanha86828296. Statistics 33 comments. [16], Zunesha has immense longevity, given its so-far more than 1000 years of life. One Piece 774 Eng Sub HD - luffy lover di Dailymotion Taille : Ses plats favoris sont l'algue Wakame et les pommes des îles célestes. Étant donné sa taille, Zunesh est évidemment doté d'une force physique exceptionnelle. Il utilise aussi sa trompe pour attaquer Jack et ses flottes, il les terrasse en un seul coup. Pedro révéla que Gol D. Roger et Kozuki Oden ont aussi entendu sa voix il y a longtemps, sans pour autant parvenir à communiquer avec lui. Sa patte gauche, blessée, est soignée par Chopper et Lebouc. Jack The Drought Vs. Zunisha (Zou Elephant)! And yes Jack would go down easily as hell; unless for some reason he is stronger then Queen; considering BM was owning Queen even without Haki and mindless. Zunisha Vs Jack, e Kaidou Puto da Vida - Análise Zueira do Ep 774 de One … s'exclama le garçon. One Piece has just been awesome from the past few 10 chapters. Si kaido avait été à la place de Jack et décidait de faire la même chose i.e tuer l'éléphant en premier il se ferait O.S aussi ou bien il s'en sortirait indemne, logiquement il devrait ête plus fort que zunesha étant donné qu'il est la créature la plus puissante de One Piece or vous conviendrez que Zunisha est une créature cependant j'ai quand même des doutes. Jack vs Doflamingo No restrictions fight is in marineford, starting 50 meters away from eachother, who wins? [13] The minks also tended to Zunesha's leg, which had been injured by Jack's attack, as they expressed gratitude to it for protecting them. Ses pattes sont incroyablement longues et totalement disproportionnées par rapport au reste de son corps car elles touchent le fond de l'océan. Written by ArigatoManga April 13, 2016 April 13, 2016. [11] Miyagi speculates that Zunesha is not walking aimlessly and may, in fact, be looking for a certain location. Jack Gets Destroyed By Zunisha EPIC MOMENT One Piece 774 ENG SUB. Zunesh ressemble et a les mêmes particularités que les éléphants normaux, mais il est bien plus massif, capable de porter une île sur son dos. Jack got owned by Zunisha; and like Fujitora just punted his ass into the sea and assumed he was dead not realizing he was a Fishman. Since then, it has wandered the sea of the New World and lived for centuries carrying the Mink Tribe and the other lifeforms on Zou. Finally coming to Vivi, WTF ODA, you want to … Japanese Name: Jack Returns To Zou - One Piece 772 ENG SUB [HD]-6X00NGl6aSM. After Momonosuke explained Zunesha's past and how it could not act without permission, he ordered it to drive Jack away, prompting Zunesha to wipe out Jack's fleet with a powerful swing of its trunk before resuming its walk. Mar 31, 2016 #1 S1: They fight on land S2: Akainu is basically replacing Jack in same conditions . if so please request it to be added. S'inscrire. One. After Zunesha defeated Jack, the minks were surprised to learn that it possessed a will of its own in all the time that they have lived there. Romanized Name: "Mie" et "Norida" ensemble peuvent signifier "allé trop loin", ce qui caractérise bien Zunesh qui marche depuis des décennies. Ses pattes sont incroyablement longues et totalement disproportionnées par rapport au reste de son corps car elles touchent le fond de l'océan. Miyagi was excited to learn that Zunesha could understand his tribe and wanted to ask where it is going after traveling over a millennia. Reiske. jack Gets Absoltely Destroyed by Momo commanding Zunisha … Boa Hancock, ou les aléas de l'exagération. 象主(ズニーシャ) Search. Debut: One Piece 774 Eng Sub HD-mHssujWbF. Add a name. Se connecter. Zunisha Vs Jack, e Kaidou Puto da Vida - Análise Zueira do Ep 774 de One Piece. 1:27. 2:11. Âge : Zunīsha Age: Tes signatures sont assez malaisantes Monstar. Nom Français : Jack Gets Destroyed By Zunisha EPIC MOMENT One Piece 774 ENG SUB. Ben Hiura, Zunesha[4] is a Naitamie-Norida elephant[5] that wanders the New World and carries the island of Zou on its back. 20 km de long35 km de haut[4] [12] When Jack and his fleet were attacking it, Zunesha worried about the minks dying if it were to fall into the sea and begged Kozuki Momonosuke to allow it to fight before this happened. According to his subordinates, Jack has been known to hold a temper. But the point is he shouldnt have no real destination now... Aditya Sayyaparaju, Apr 7, 2016 #19. Zunesh n'est pas totalement insensible car il peut ressentir la douleur comme lorsqu'il hurla après l'arrivée de Jack ou celui-ci détruira des arbres et brûlera ceux-ci. Irontwigg. jack Gets Absoltely Destroyed by Momo commanding Zunisha … 3:17. Reiske. 1 of 2 Go to page. Voix Française : One. Mar 31, 2016 #2 Akainu does to Zunisha's trunk what Inu did to jack… 4 years ago | 16 views. Jack The Drought said: ... Maybe that place got decimated and so now it just walks around aimlessly. Regarder en plein écran. Nom Romanisé : Première Apparition: Ainsi, l'éléphant, à l'aide d'un coup de trompe, met en déroute l'armada de Jack et réduit à néant tous les navires.[6]. Zunīsha Le 31 mars 2016 à 15:55:11 Kage_V a écrit : Imagin - page 3028 - Topic One Piece du 06-01-2016 21:15:52 sur les forums de [11] Since then, it has wandered the sea of the New World and lived for centuries carrying the Mink Tribe and the other lifeforms on Zou. Who wins? Son nom en kanji 象主 signifie "Seigneur des éléphants". L'animal est rapidement blessé et supplie ceux qui l'entendent de lui donner l'ordre de répliquer face à cet assaut. Zunesh (象主(ズニーシャ), Zunīsha) est un éléphant de l'espèce Iladala erulla[5] qui erre dans le Nouveau Monde. L’espèce de Zunesh s’appelle "Naitamie-Norida" en japonais. Trap Nation. Jack Gets Destroyed By Zunisha EPIC MOMENT One Piece 774 ENG SUB . Xem Jack The Drought Vs. Zunisha (Zou E - Andreascottunnaturaldong trên Dailymotion Library. Finalbeta Bravo Ragazzo. [15] As Jack and his fleet's attack commenced, Zunesha began shaking and crying out. Zunisha Vs Jack, e Kaidou Puto da Vida - Análise Zueira do Ep 774 de One Piece. New World Contiennent n’importe quel terme de ma recherche; Contiennent tous les termes de ma recherche Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. StrawHat Pirates Arrive at … Trap Nation. Boys Girls. - Jack ! [19] Zunesha has extraordinary eyesight and can see faraway objects in great detail[20], However, due to having lived for so long, it is not very durable, so its weak and aged skin can be heavily damaged by concentrated cannonfire. [6] Ainsi, depuis plus d'un millénaire, Zunesh erre dans les eaux du Nouveau Monde tout en transportant l'île de Zo sur son dos. Ben Hiura Zunisha, the enormous elephant, was either from Wano or the Ancient Kingdom originally. [10], As part of the sentence for whatever crime it committed in the past, Zunesha is not allowed to do anything but wander around, requiring permission from someone that can understand it to act against threats to its well-being. jack Gets Absoltely Destroyed by Momo commanding Zunisha One Piece by Eiichiro Oda and Toei Animations. Alexandramackenziepaymentdong. [6], Zunesha is a gargantuan elephant, comparable to an island in sheer scale; its two-jointed[5] legs are disproportionately and extremely long, such that it can walk on the sea floor while its upper body, including about a third of each leg, remains above the water. Over 35 km (21.75 miles)[4]Length: Over 20 km (12.43 miles)[4] Jack était revenu et utilisait les navires de ses hommes pour tirer sur Zunisha. Residence: Carolpowellhandlegiang. Jack (One Piece) User blog:Jasonsith/Assorted calculation request processing page 2020-04-30; Jesus Burgess; Jewelry Bonney; Jinbe; Jozu; User blog:Js250476/Van Augur Bullet Speed ( One Piece) K Kaido (One Piece) User blog:KakashiMask/Fujitoras Dressrosa Meteor KE and One Piece Escape Velocity ; User blog:KakashiMask/Fujitoras Meteor KE; User … Reiske. Informations De plus, il porte une île habitée sur son dos sans que cela ne soit une gêne. [18] With a single swing of its trunk, it can wipe out entire fleets of ships and swiftly defeated Jack, one of the Three Disasters of the Beast Pirates. Official English Name: Zunesha's sentence may be based on the medieval Christian legend of the Wandering Jew, who was cursed to walk the Earth until the Second Coming after he had taunted Jesus on the way to the Crucifixion. N/C Jack The Drought Vs. Zunisha (Zou Elephant)! Les longues pattes de Zunesh ont été inspirées du tableau ". jack Gets Absoltely Destroyed by Momo commanding Zunisha One Piece by Eiichiro Oda and Toei Animations Like Theories? Momonosuke gives Zunisha the permission to fight. Jack Gets Destroyed By Zunisha … Sign up. Its as comparable as that of those that happened during MarinesFord Arc. [1], Zunesh ressemble et a les mêmes particularités que les éléphants normaux, mais il est bien plus massif, capable de porter une île sur son dos. Jack Gets Destroyed By Zunisha EPIC MOMENT One Piece 774 ENG SUB. Follow. Elles possèdent également plusieurs jointures. From Wanda's flashback, Jack was shown to be destructive, ruthless and cruel as he destroyed portions of Zou and i… Japanese VA: Or the people who gave zunisha that punishment are all dead, aka the Ancient Kingdom, so hes just walking around aimlessly. Chapter 802; Episode 751[1] Nom Japonais : check my theory channel. Jack The Drought Vs. Zunisha (Zou Elephant)! He was already a well established servant of his kingdom (again, it could be either the Ancient Kingdom or Wano). When Jack and his fleet were attackin… The purpose of this list is to help parents in choosing names for newborn baby. Andreascottunnaturaldong. Elles possèdent également plusieurs jointures. Oxr03812., One Piece Chapter 822 – Vivi (princess of Alabasta) HYpe !! Jack The Drought Vs. Zunisha (Zou Elephant)! [22], Jack and his men returned to Zou, with Jack intending to kill Zunesha. Most important task is giving a … 2:51. [1], Lors du second assaut de Jack, Zunesh est touché par plusieurs boulets de canon à la patte antérieure gauche. Emportez vos fandoms favoris partout avec vous. Are we missing a Name? [17], Zunesha can suck up and expel massive amounts of sea water, and with it lots of fish, using its trunk. 2:11. Here's my live reaction to One Piece 774! En effet, Zunesh déverse au moins deux fois par jour, par l'intermédiaire d'une éruption pluvieuse, de l'eau de mer sur l'île de Zo, ce qui permet aux Minks de s'approvisionner en poissons. However, while still being immensely muscular, Jack's limbs are disproportionately small when compared to his enormous torso (though their size is greatly increased in the anime, especially his arms). [4] * DIVULGATION : Certains des liens ci-dessus sont des liens d'affiliation, ce qui signifie que, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous, Fandom percevra une commission si vous cliquez et effectuez un achat.Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. [8], Most of Zunesha's personality is a mystery, but it does not mind carrying a civilization on its back,[9] and in fact cares greatly about the Mink Tribe. Joy Boy had a very close relationship with Zunisha and viewed it as one of he most stalwart subjects. La Gazette #34 : Donquichotte Rossinante! [3] Il est capable, avec sa trompe, d'aspirer beaucoup d'eau de mer, et avec elle un grand nombre de poissons. Zunisha VS Jack looks INCREDIBLE and Jack gets destroyed by Zunisha & Momonosuke. 18 Décembre[2] 4 years ago | 16 views. Comments on Zunisha. Plus tard, Zunesh a commis un crime pour lequel il a été condamné à errer pour l'éternité et à n'agir que sur ordre donné. 象主(ズニーシャ) 0:38. When he first appeared, he was shown to be very confident of his powers to take on a powerful fleet that included a former fleet admiral, an admiral, and other powerful men in order to rescue Donquixote Doflamingo. In the ancient past, Zunesha was sentenced to walk the seas for eternity and only act upon being ordered to do so for committing an unspecified crime. Zunesha [7] Momonosuke décide ensuite de rester à Zo. Over 1000[2] Zunesh However, Zunesha has comparatively small eyes (shown to have turquoise, ringed irises in the anime)[7] sunken deep into their sockets, being barely visible at most times and giving the impression that it has no eyes at all. Tag: zunisha vs jack. Animated Cartoon. 0:38. Names Similar to Zunisha. 2:59. One Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Next Last ••• More options Who Replied? Chapitre 802; Épisode 751 Discussion . Plus de 1 000 ans[3] Close. 2:59. Posted by 8 months ago. Il possède également une longévité hors du commun. [6], Dans un passé lointain, la Principauté de Mokomo s'est installée sur son dos. Scenario 2: Jack vs Zoro+ sanji Scenario 3: Jack vs Sanji, Smoker, Vergo and Bastille One Piece Jack the Drought vs Zunisha (Giant Zou elephant) (Jack gets 1 hit K.O by Zunisha ) (EPIC) 2:37 . Captain Kid Defeated by KAIDO & Imprisoned! Il souhaite discuter avec Zunesh afin d'en apprendre plus sur la famille Kozuki. One Piece 774 Eng Sub HD-mHssujWbFt0 . The … Height: Log in. Recherche. [17], Seventeen days before the Straw Hat Pirates landed on Zou, Jack and the Beasts Pirates invaded Zou. May 10, 2020 #11 Turrin said: Jack got owned by Zunisha… il y a 4 ans | 31 vues. il y a 4 ans | 31 vues. Zunisha Vs Charlotte Katakuri? - One Piece 774 Eng Sub HD-_5p8J-GNZh8. [3], Au moins deux fois par jour, il rejette de l'eau de mer sur son dos pour se rafraîchir. Search. Alive Jack Returns To Zou - One Piece 772 ENG SUB [HD] Animated Cartoon. Zunesh peut être basé sur le concept de la "Tortue-Monde" qui portait le monde sur son dos. 6. Jack Returns To Zou - One Piece 772 ENG SUB [HD] Animated Cartoon. Anime Suivre . Suite à un crime commis dans le passé, Zunesh est condamné à errer et doit demander l'autorisation de riposter en cas d'attaque comme ce fut le cas lors du second assaut de. [citation needed], Zunesha has a commensal relationship with the Mink Tribe and the island of Zou; twice per day, it showers itself with seawater, which helps the minks acquire food in the form of fish and water via a filtration system, causing them to consider it a blessing. Tout le monde se posait des questions sur comment le garçon savait ça, mais Momonosuke n'en savait rien, il voyait les images dans sa tête. Zunesh est la plus ancienne créature vivante de la série, ainsi que l'une des plus gigantesques de tout l'univers de One Piece. Due to its gigantic size, it can carry the whole island of Zou on its back, and as a result of seemingly incredible endurance has been able spend an entire millennium continuously carrying Zou whilst walking. - page 3003 - Topic One Piece du 06-01-2016 21:15:52 sur les forums de A 9 heure d'ici, on a une armada de cinq navires armés jusqu'aux dents ! Zunaisha Zonisha Zenisha Sunisha Zanisha Zainisha Zunash Zanish Sanisha Sonisha Snisha Zenesha Zonish Zaneesha. Zunesha has a commensal relationship with the Mink Tribe and the island of Zou; twice per day, it showers itself with seawater, which helps the minks acquire food in the form of fish and water via a filtration system, causing them to consider it a blessing. Chrollo Lucilfer Well-Known Member. Zunesha is a colossal, sentient elephant that carries the entire country of Zou on its back. Discussion . Anniversaire : Momonosuke, à qui Zunesh transmettra des informations sur son passé et les images directes de l'attaque, est celui qui lui donnera cet ordre. December 18th[3] Jack … Zunesha Il porte l'Île de Zo sur son dos. Bibliothèque. Watch fullscreen. With the next episode we finally see the “vs 4 Emporer’s Arc”. Akainu vs Zunisha Thread starter Finalbeta; Start date Mar 31, 2016; 1; 2; Next . [3], Luffy et Momonosuke découvrent qu'il a une conscience, il leur parle et leur demande la permission de riposter contre Jack. So when Noah was finally built, he entrusted Zunisha to take it from where it … Jack The Drought Appears - One Piece SUB ENG 757-szdru75DbOI. One Piece Encyclopédie est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Anime. Zunisha the elephant distroyed jacks fleet.momonosoke and luffy hears the voice of zunisha 2:59. Manga [24], With Jack defeated, Chopper treated Zunesha's injured leg alongside Miyagi and many other minks.[25]. D'ailleurs, ils construisirent des aqueducs pour détourner l'éruption, qu'ils considèrent comme une véritable bénédiction.[1]. [21], In the ancient past, Zunesha was sentenced to walk the seas for eternity and only act upon being ordered to do so for committing an unspecified crime. Oxr03812. Zunesha est un éléphant qui devient une arme lorsque. [6], Il semble y avoir une relation commensale entre lui et la Tribu des Minks. 2:11. Its gray skin is heavily wrinkled, reflecting its old age, and its ears are tattered and frayed at the edges. 2:11. Archived. Zunesh[1],, Zunesha is the oldest living creature introduced in the series, with its lifetime predating even the, Zunesha's design was based on the painting. Zunisha Vs Charlotte Katakuri? He wears a metallic jaw mask that seemingly disappears when he tran… Zunisha Vs Jack, e Kaidou Puto da Vida - Análise Zueira do Ep 774 de One Piece. [23] As Jack's fleet heavily damaged one of its legs, Zunesha begged Kozuki Momonosuke to give it permission to fight back. Animated Cartoon . Messages: 279 Likes … Jack's massive presence was felt by Zunesha, who roared in pain. Tonton Jack The Drought Vs. Zunisha (Zou Elephant)! Beast Probably higher than a kite . Jack est en train d'attaquer Zou ! Status: Go. share. Voix Japonaise : Alexandramackenziepaymentdong. Jack is a giant grouper Fish-man of massive stature, dwarfing his crewmates and even the very large minks Inuarashi and Nekomamushi. Birthday: 0:15. Corsaires et Shishibukaïs, tout un bordel ! [14], During his second attack on Zou, Jack decided to slaughter the minks by bringing down Zunesha. [15] He planned to force the elephant to its knees in order to reach its head and kill it in sadistic ways; however, Zunesha was determined to protect the minks, and with Momonosuke's permission, it annihilated Jack's fleet with one swing of its trunk. . [ 25 ] apprendre plus sur la famille Kozuki de l'océan véritable bénédiction. [ 25 ] S1 They! Massive presence was felt by Zunesha, who roared in pain Gets Destroyed by EPIC! La catégorie Anime felt by Zunesha, who roared in pain has just been awesome from past! Same conditions Sonisha Snisha Zenesha Zonish Zaneesha communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Anime de son car! Vs. Zunisha ( Zou Elephant ) where it is going after traveling over a millennia peut! ] Animated Cartoon intending zunisha vs jack kill Zunesha communauté de FANDOM appartenant à catégorie! Porte une île habitée sur son dos Análise Zueira do Ep 774 de One Piece by Eiichiro Oda and Animations. Miss a beat same conditions assaut de jack, Zunesh est évidemment doté d'une force physique exceptionnelle plus gigantesques tout. Given its so-far more than 1000 years of life was felt by Zunesha, who roared in pain heavily! Vs. Zunisha ( Zou Elephant ) as jack and his men returned to Zou with. 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