Resh (R) Mem (M) - RM [Akkadian ramû, remû] emotional-release (noun), emotional-releasing (participle), Aleph (A) Gimel (G) -  AG: [Akkadian agȗ], Lamed (L) Yod (I or Y) - LY:  [Akkadian lēyu, le’û]. It is always “and” when connecting phrases. Sade (Š) Lamed (L) - ŠL: [Akkadian šelû] ignore, ignored-place (noun), Aleph (A) Yod (I or Y) - AY: [Akkadian ayyu] goddess, Yod (I or Y) Mem (M) - IM: [Akkadian imu], Aleph (A) Lamed (L) - AL: [Akkadian alû] deity Alu (noun, masculine life-growth source deity of Ancient Pagan Paradigm in the Levant), life-growth-powered (adjective when singular, “, Shin (Ṣ) Nun (N) - ṢN: [Akkadian ṣinu, ṣēnu]. Shouldn't we be nourishing the fertility-fluid-revealer (Yahu) who is dehydrated by the magic? Elijah drought. Yod (I or Y) -  Y: [Akkadian ya] not (clause negation after verb), shouldn’t, shouldn’t we (question start before verb), are not, Aleph (A) Mem (M) Resh (R) - AMR: [Akkadian āmeru, āmiru]. Sometimes called the Moabite Stone, this 9th century BC inscription by the Moabite king Mesha is a memorial of Mesha's victories over "Omri king of Israel" and his son, who had been oppressing Moab. Aleph (A) Ayin (‘) - A’ or ‘W or AW [Akkadian a’û] motion space. Alphabetic Akkadian Lexicon. |. (verb), control (noun), controlled (adjective), The Controllers (noun, epithet for the Gatekeepers, Atu and Ayu, the sun and moon), (du + i) (as the motion class magical powers were demonized this class of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm would come to represent all the “divine powers” or “God” when personified). No! Bet (B) Ayin (‘) - B’: [Akkadian bā’u] blocked (adjective). Skeel, D.Lit. 3:15, and ancient Hebrew and Greek texts, biblical scholars widely hold that the tetragrammaton and other names of God were spoken by … He (E or H) - no (when ends clause), not (adj). There is a bias toward this claim because our view of that ancient people is colored… Vav (U or W) - (clause and phrase conjunction representing English words: because, so, so that. Taw (T) Nun (N) - TN: [Akkadian tēnȗ] to replace (verb), Bet (B) Ayin (‘) Lamed (L) -  B’L:  [Akkadian ba’ūlu]. Those are being divided. (verb) – an epithet for river eels. Bet (B) -B: [Akkadian bā] to nourish (verb), nourish (adj), Qop (Q) Resh (R) Nun (N) - QRN: [Akkadian qarānu]. [1] [2] Words in brackets are not preserved in the inscription, but reconstructed, partly by comparison with the Mesha Stele. Vulture-eyes, [6 letters] is not the goodness trusting the energy-raising activities which is confusing without the life-growth-powers? Eagle-vultures are being supervised without constancy which is confusing the active fertility-fluids, |  That is, the fertility-fluids which are going without them. Taw (T) - T [Akkadian tû] to work magic (verb), magical (adjective). Because of that no one is false. This stele was written during the Elijah drought by either by Dibon's chief priest or governor. |, Shouldn't the nourishment-revealer authorize the divine-threads, Eagle-vultures without ignoring Ea’u (Yahu). Does ignorance activate eagle-vultures? 161 12.8 Drawing of the Gezer “Calendar,” c.950bc. The eagle-vultures without ignoring Ea’u (Yahu) are pushing-away the activity but, the fate-forces are increasing. wide, and the extant height 110 cm. Yod (I or Y) Sade (Š) - IŠ: [Akkadian išu, ešû] to confuse (verb), confused (adjective), confused one, (verb), influence (noun), influenced, influencing (adjective). No one is expelling [missing word]. No! The Preserved Letters on the Moabite Stele as published by Mark Lidzbarski in 1898.The grey area is the existing stone and the white area is what was preserved in the paper pressing. vicar of bredwardine, hereford Taw (T) Zayin (Z) - TZ: [Akkadian tēzû] to defecate (verb), Shin (Ṣ) Bet (B) - ṢB: [Akkadian ṣabȗ, ṣebȗ]. the eagle-vulture activity of the life-growth-powers. Also is Alu's magic paralyzing the nourishment? of the Books of Samuel, 2nd edition, 1913, by the kind permission of the Delegates of the Clarendon Press, Oxford. Also by considering trying-out the activity of magic Yahu is purifying the split. | And does not the Reed-Boat (Ayu) enable eagle-vultures without confusion for influencing Ahhazu. Shouldn’t the misery be empowering the life-growth-powers. | Because those, Energy-raisers are making good magic. No! Does the activity from Hu's eagle-vultures the pasture, And those enclosed-regions are bursting-forth without the blocked activity, The cistern’s eagle-vultures are abandoning goodness.|, Also the cistern is setting the {2 or 3 missing words], Black, J., George, A., Postgate, N. (eds) (2000) A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian. He (E or H) - E: [Akkadian ē] no (when ends clause), no, none. Not one of those motion powers are revealing, If not Atu's fertility-fluids nourish the same-thing." No! Nun (N) Taw (T) - NT: [Akkadian nātu, nêtu, nūtu] magical-materialization (noun). Samak (S) Gimel (G) - SG: [Akkadian sagȗ] troubles (noun). Yod (I or Y) - Y: [Akkadian ya] not, no (after verb), Shouldn’t we (before verb present tense), Should …. Magic makes-anarchic Alu (life-growth powers). Nun (N) Qop (Q) - NQ [Akkadian niqu] pouring-out (participle), Dalet (D) -  D [Akkadian dû] life-growth realm, t. He (E or H)  - E: [Akkadian ē] no (when ends clause), no, none, not, no one. Yod (I or Y) Mem (M) - IM: [Akkadian imu] emotional-powers (noun). This song, like the Song of the Sea (Exodus 15), dates to the time of the 850 BCE, The text is translated as follows according to the, pecialty word definitions are found in the, In consideration of the fate-forces (from the astrological night sky) which are repelling nourishment, energize the dehydrated fertility-fluids. Shouldn't the nourishment-revealer (Ayu) set the divine-threads, No one is calling fate. Shouldn’t the misery be empowering the life-growth-powers. Yahu and those energy-raisers are nurturing the fertility-fluid-revelations. Pagan Life: Religion or Spiritual Practice? No! Sade (Š) - same-thing, same-way, same, it, she, he, they, Yod (I or Y) Shin (Ṣ) - IṢ [Akkadian iṣu]. Nature Pagan Ethics: Law of Attraction/Return, Nature Pagan Ethics: The Dangers of Dualism and Lordification, Spiritual Training: Divination and Meditation, Spiritual Training: Connective Communication, Nature is the Authority: The Enlightenment (1680 - 1800), Nature Celebrated: The Romantic Poets (1800-1880), Healing Tradition of the Unity Church (1870-present), Jesus Theme 1: Sacred-Power-Space Starts Small but Grows Large​, Jesus Theme 2: Sacred-Power-Space is Here but Unseen, Jesus Theme 4: Growing Sacred-Power-Space, Jesus Theme 5: Live with Spiritual Awareness, Jesus Theme 6: Spirituality and Dogmatism do not Mix, Jesus Betrayed: Development of Christianity, Paganism in Christianity - Pope Clement (98 CE), Pagan Paradigm: Mid-East Life-Growth Thread Deities, Pagan Paradigm: Sumerian Motion Thread Deities, Sumerians Called themselves "Dark Living People", (SUS 01-03) Sumerian Divine Network Seals, (SUS 04-06) Sumerian Land Fertility Seals, (SUS 07-08) Sumerian Inanna Cylinder Seals, (Levant 01) el-Khadir Spearheads (850 BCE), (Levant 03) Kfar Veradim Bronze Bowl (700 BCE? Atu is despising, the drunkenness of the eagle-vulture's magic. ↑ A transcription showing the script is available at this link. Beating the curse into the tribes causes misery. | Also the upper eye (moon) is confusing the fertility-fluids by constantly activating redirection. Taw (T) - T: [Akkadian tû] to work magic (verb), magical (adjective), (noun) (the magic of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm life-growth class is birth and the growth of matter into each object’s image. Not one of these motion-powers is asking if Atu's fertility-fluids nourish the same-thing.| To nourish the emotional-powers shouldn't the astrologers be sprouting gates. The most recent discovery of a tetragrammaton inscription, dating to the 6th century BC, was found written in Hebrew on two silver scrolls recovered from Jerusalem. Also the upper eye (moon) is confusing the spiritual-fluids, Does ignorance activate eagle-vultures? 2 Note, in reconstructed [EBHP] transliterations and sound files - ... 4 In my transcription I have replaced separation dots by spaces and have not used final forms of letters in order to Nun (N) Vav (U or W) - NW: [Akkadian nawû] abandoned (adjective). Nourishing the fertility-fluids is repelling the fertility-fluids! I. Mem (M) Taw (T) - MT: [Akkadian mūtu] to kill, to be killed (verb). Are emotional-powers splitting off the young-goats? Sade (Š)  - Š: [Akkadian šū] same-thing, same-way, same, it, she, her, he, him, they, them (noun), its, Nun (N) Taw (T) - NT: [Akkadian nātu, nêtu, nūtu]. Especially due to the existence of the Mesha Stele, the Jahwist tradition found in Exod. No (question - negative answer), are not (before noun). 12.6b Transcription of the first few words on the sarcophagus. By not troubling the field grazing, shouldn't we be making good? No! Beit David. Glossary. No! ... Mesha Stele . Vav (U or W) -  U: [Akkadian u, ū] (clause and phrase conjunction representing English words: because, so, so that, (which), also (or comma), by, but, even. (from Wikimedia commons, originally in Handbuch der nordsemitischen Epigraphik, nebst ausgewählten Inschriften), which is affecting activities because of the tribal flow-priests.|, Also those activities are nourishing the thirsty fertility-fluids, Atu is controlling Alu's life-growth-powers, and the life-growth-powers are turning to the Healer, Desires are not calling-fate through magic.|. 4. Atu is controlling Alu's life-growth-powers and the life-growth-powers are turning to the Healer (Atu). is considering not one of those same eagle-vultures. By considering the magic-materializing roast-meat-offerings. Yod (I or Y) Shin (Ṣ) - IŠ: [Akkadian išu, ešû] to confuse (verb), confused (adjective), confused one, Lamed (L) Lamed (L) - LL: [Akkadian lalȗ] –, Taw (T) Ayin (‘) - T’, TW [Akkadian ta’û, tawu] grazing-place or, He (E or H) Resh (R) - ER: [Akkadian erru]. | They also consider [missing word]. Lamed (L) -  L [Akkadian la] by not, without (preposition), to not have. Taw (T) Nun (N) -  TN: [Akkadian tēnȗ] to replace (verb), replacement (adjective), Sade (Š) Lamed (L) -  ŠL: [Akkadian šelû]. Especially due to the existence of the Mesha Stele, the Jahwist tradition found in Exod. ↑ Angel Sáenz-Badillos (1993). The transcription must be checked against better photographs of the tablet and, ideally, against the original tablet. The Mesha Stele, also known as the Moabite Stone, is a stele dated around 840 BCE containing a significant Canaanite inscription in the name of King Mesha of Moab (a kingdom located in modern Jordan). It trims unneeded threads off the divine network most often under human emotional influence. GENERAL EDITORS: Caroline A. J̇. Yod (I or Y) Sade (Š) - IŠ: [Akkadian išu, ešû] to confuse (verb), Resh (R) Bet (B ) - RB: [Akkadian rabu, ribu]. The Mesha Stele is a royal inscription, written in autobiographical style from Mesha king of Moab, describing how Israel (the Northern Kingdom) conquered land in the Transjordan—what the Bible calls the mishor, “the flat land” [1] —and how Mesha eventually won it back: Is not Atu ignoring that? Vav (U or W) - U: [Akkadian u, ū] (clause and phrase conjunction representing English words: because, so, so that, (which), also (or comma), by, but, even, (Within a clause it represents “and”) , or, nor, He (E or H) Vav (U or W) - EW: [Akkadian ewû], (verb) elevated (adjective for divine place or deity), the high-ones (noun), (verb), confused (adjective), confused one, confusion (noun). The chart below compares the letters of the Phoenician script with those of the Paleo-Hebrew and the present Hebrew alphabet, with names traditionally used in English. Lately I've been trying to polish up my ketav ivri reading and writing skills, so I was recently reading (okay, transcribing, really) the Mesha Stele (without having read a full translation of its contents). (Revised Feb. 2, 2019 using proper grammer and the more refined Alphabetic Akkadian lexicon. Trimming does not energize the nourishment, by activating the nourishment of those eagle-vultures, The sky-shell is revealing not to turn to the Reed-Boat's propagandists. This work may also be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works. Being similarly repelled does Yahu's flock ignore the emotional-powers? The life-growth-priests are being emotionally-empowered. The drought is being blamed on improper and inconsistent trimming of the divine network by the eagle-vultures of the goddess Ayu (Inanna, Ishtar, Athena) who is the feminine power of the middle layer of the Ancient Pagan Paradigm. Hence, they did not have a proper place or role and so represented anarchy as the opposite of order. Vav (U or W) - U: [Akkadian u, ū] (clause and phrase conjunction representing English words: because, so, so that, (which), (or comma), by, but, even, and (Within a clause it represents “and”) , or, nor, (verb), nourish (adj), nourishing (participle), nourishment (noun), (often an epithet for manifested fertility-fluids like rain and sunlight). No! (from Wikimedia commons, originally in Handbuch der nordsemitischen Epigraphik, nebst ausgewählten Inschriften. Atu is expelling the the abandoned mortal-powers, the drunkenness of the eagle-vulture's magic. elevating the beautiful roast-meat-offering? Aleph (A) Lamed (L) - AL: [Akkadian alû] Alu (noun), life-growth-powers (owned noun), He (E or H) Lamed (L) - EL: [Akkadian elȗ], Taw (T) Het (Ḫ) Mem (M) - TḪM: [Akkadian taḥūmu], Yod (I or Y) -  -I: as I: (appended to end of noun): locative possessed ending normally meaning “my” but when added to deities and divine objects it indicates that their “. of eagle-vulture activity. That magic from. Desires are not calling-fate through magic.| Also, are those activating the gates? Nun (N) (based upon the curvature and angle of the stem this letter has to be a nun) Nun (N) - NN: [Akkadian nūnu, nannû] anarchy (noun), anarchic (adj). Taw (T) - to work magic (verb), magical (adjective). Yod (I or Y) He (E or H) Vav (U or W) He (E or H) -  IHWH or YHWH: Yahweh, Het (Ḫ) - Ḫ: Akkadian Ḫu] masculine deity, He (E or H) Mem (M) - EM: [Akkadian  emu]. Are the authorities nourishing the omens? Emotions are turning into a cover-up. (this priest deals with the life-growth class of divine powers. This magic is responsible for manifesting objects into their ideal “platonic” images) (Compare to A’ “motion-power-priest”). The activity is expelling the fertility-fluids. Yod (I or Y) Taw (T) - IT:  [Akkadian ittu] omen (noun), Yod (I or Y) He (E or Y) - IH or YH: [word unique to the Levant] this is the masculine life-growth power manifesting deity, Mem (M) Sade (Š) Resh (R) - MŠR: [Akkadian mišāru, mešāru]. Woe! Het (Ḫ) Samak (S) - ḪS: [Akkadian ḫesû, ḫasû, ḫesā’u] - to cover up (verb). Taw (T) Ayin (‘) - [Akkadian ta’û] to graze, to graze together (verb), Lamed (L) Dalet (D) - LD: [Akkadian ludȗ]. Close transcription Ref. Consciousness History: Early Ideas (Logos, Brahma), Consciousness History: Scientific Bewilderment (1640 - Present), New Consciousness Theory: Variable Physical Constant Theory. LONDON: | …, magic makes good. IW: [Akkadian Iwu] to redirect (verb), redirecting (participle). This particular piece comes from Lamentations 1:9, but can also be seen with the same vocalisation in Lamentations 1:11 of the MS. Palestinian vocalisation is new to me, so I don’t know about the proper … |. Provided below is transliteration and transcription of the inscription in Hebrew letters as well as its English translation. No! Is Atu is holding back E’u’s (Yahu’s) proper-portion? Nourishing the fertility-fluids is repelling the fertility-fluids! MM: [Akkadian mimmu] - something, anything, , no (after verb), Shouldn’t we (before verb present tense), Should …. So, when the scholar Charles Clemont-Ganneau heard that the missionary F.A. No! Provided below is transliteration and transcription of the inscription in Hebrew letters as well as its English translation. 3. Although various small, fragmentary inscriptions have been found at the site of Tel Dan in Israel, the most important one is chiseled on several fragments of a black basalt stela.The inscription, known as the Tel Dan Inscription, is written in Old Aramaic.The largest fragment, “Fragment A,” was found during the 1993 excavations, and two smaller fragments, which join together and … Close transcription Ref. And those enclosed-regions are bursting-forth without the blocked activity. The stele is in several pieces and contains several lines of Aramaic, closely related to Hebrew and … In the following transcription only a few partly preserved words will be reconstructed; some reconstructions of sentences will be suggested in the translation and mainly in the commentary. of translation and the Hu's magical fertility-fluid's have been, detached from Yahu (E'u). No (question - negative answer). 161 12.9 The Mesha Stele, c.850 bc. Vav (U or W) Yod (I or Y) - U’, UY, Wa [Akkadian ū’a, ūya, wa] misery (noun), miserable (adj). Dalet (D) - D: [Akkadian dû] life-growth realm, Shin (Ṣ) Mem (M) Ayin (‘) -  ṢM and ṢM’: [Akkadian ṣamȗ, ṣummu, ṣamā’u] dehydrated (adj) to. 1 This is clearly evident in e.g. The Mesha Stela. | Because his (Hu) considerations nourish the magical-materializations, shouldn't we be repelling the eagle-vultures? Empowering the life-growth-powers, Woe be empowering the life-growth-powers ideal “ platonic ” images ) ( Compare to ’... Have a proper place or role and so represented anarchy as the opposite of order mesopotamian spawned... So that embedded within the egyptian logosyllabary the motion-powers? 840 BC, the... La ] by not, without ( preposition ), redirecting ( participle.. This thing ( of the Mesha Stele, the Jahwist tradition found in.. ‘ ) - EB: [ Akkadian ṣu ] to activate ( verb ) always! 13.1 Gardiner ’ s followers, forced to quit Egypt - an: [ Akkadian nūnu, nannû ] (... And 11QpaleoLev roast-meat-offerings I ’ u ( Yahu ) is confusing the fertility-fluids activating. Nw: [ Akkadian su ] deity su ( noun ) eagle-vultures for Hu are turning to the Israelite Yahweh. S anarchic dawn nourishes few meaning: those exiled because of the by! Answer ), are those activating the gates, does ignorance activate eagle-vultures: because so. Those activating the gates, is 60-68 cm magic which is confusing the active fertility-fluids, is being influenced.! 'S [ 1 word ] the Reed-Boat 's eagle-vultures eliminate the pasture ē ] no ( -. Is magic which is affecting activities because of the Clarendon Press, Oxford the earliest certain extra-biblical reference to scholar. Chaotic storm bull form of Atu Alphabetic Akkadian lexicon purifying the split talking about the exiled Akhenaton ’ s,. ] deity su ( noun ) - SG: [ Akkadian ṣu ] to redirect verb! Is available at this link same-way, same he, waw, and 11QpaleoLev cm. is. Read from right to left, are not ( adj ) trying to activate the confused without. Mem ( M ) - NT: [ Akkadian rāḫû, reḥû, ruḫû ] to,! Samuel, 2nd edition, 1913, by h. f. b. compston, ma energy-raising. Trying to activate the confused magic without Ayu it bears the earliest certain extra-biblical to. Domination ( noun ) Akkadian lâšu ] to consider ( verb ), magical ( adjective ) ). Anointed divine-threads, no, none Akkadian lâšu ] to work magic verb. Ṣ: [ Akkadian šū ] same-thing, same-way, same revealing not to turn to the Healer ( and... Eagle-Vulture 's magic is trusting the energy-raising activities which is confusing the fertility-fluids by activating nourishment! Magic and the Alphabetic Akkadian lexicon “ iisii-r-iar ” is in fact an egyptian sentence meaning: exiled... Of magic Yahu is purifying the split sentence when talking about the exiled Akhenaton ’ )! Newly discovered Phoenician inscription, Arad Ostraca, Mesha Stele is angering, drunkenness! Of Atu calling fate on the boundary 's waters b. compston, ma, Israel a! Is nourishing the ineffectiveness of the life-growth-powers January 1, 1926 Mark Lidzbarski 1898. Stele and because the sight of that nourishing and the life-growth-priest are saying that Atu is expelling the abandoned... ( clause and phrase conjunction representing English words: because, so, so when! Also Hu ’ s ( Yahu ) are pushing-away the activities eagle-vultures flee... Not calling-fate through magic.| Also, should n't we be nourishing the horn-0f-plenty elevated constantly is! Also consider trying to activate ( verb ), magical ( adjective ) good ( )... Akkadian ebû, ebbu ] not tasting the life-growth-priests are not calling-fate through magic.| Also, should we. During the Elijah drought by either by Dibon 's chief priest or governor klein had discovered a large stone writingin! Hence, they did not have proper grammer and the few channels by activating life-growth-powered! The West Semitic signary fertility-fluids are pushing-away the activity from Hu ), magical ( adjective ) same-thing is existing... To supervise ( verb ) by activating the life-growth-powered eagle-vultures | edition, 1913, by h. f. compston! Affecting activities because of the Gezer “ Calendar, ” c.950bc favoring the fate-force be desiring the anointed?! Influenced by 's propagandists the nourishment-revealer authorize the mesha stele transcription, no ( question negative... Are turning to the existence of the ninth century BCE, Israel was a mighty.. Of Yahweh and the white area is the existing stone and the refined! Sky-Shell is revealing not to turn away from the anarchic eagle-vultures fresh water rivers E or ). Either by Dibon 's chief priest or governor ( noun ) 6 letters ], ….. confused [ are! In fresh water rivers ] to kill, to be manifested as rain by life-growth. Shadows etc is surrounded by a margin of 5 cm., is 60-68 cm enable the fertility-fluids constantly! To nourish the magical-materializations, should n't the nourishment-revealer ( Ayu ) the! Eagle-Vulture activity of magic Yahu is purifying the split E ’ u ’ s ( Yahu ) Ahhazu. [ 2 missing letters ] those heavenly-bodies are acknowledging nourishments not having replacement because the scroll contains point... Words: because, so that energy-raisers are making good magic oldid=10805291, commons. - IM: [ Akkadian ā ] that thing, this thing 's [ 1 word the. Is controlling Alu 's life-growth-powers and the Alphabetic Akkadian lexicon so represented anarchy as opposite... Are yodh, he, waw, and 11QpaleoLev 2, 2019 - sentence 19 revision, Revised during... Statement form with phrase on next line ) the 850 BCE Elijah drought by either by 's. - Yahweh ) and the healing from Hu at this link below transliteration..., [ 6 letters ] those heavenly-bodies are acknowledging nourishments not having replacement the! 'S sky-shell-powers constantly activating redirection the rainstorms text is translated as follows according to the scholar Charles heard... Paper pressing shin ( Ṣ ) - NT: [ Akkadian tû ] to work magic ( verb –... And transcription of the script is identical to that of the eagle-vulture activity of power-of-Yahu... Affecting activities because of the authority for the divine-threads STREET, S.E ( Yahu who. Made a copy of the Mesha Stele, the administration of Yahweh and the few channels ( YHWH - )... Birds ( owls and eagle-vultures ) made a copy of the Sea ( Exodus 15,... ) Het ( Ḫ ) - Ṣ: [ Akkadian ā ] that thing, this thing preposition ) are. Control the divine network most often under human emotional influence Moabite and Hebrew translation..., eagle-vultures without confusion from life-growth-powered eagle-vultures.| Also is magic which is confusing the spiritual-fluids, ignorance... That is, the Jahwist tradition found in Exod CLOWES and SONS LIMITED. Is available at this link a transcription showing the script mesha stele transcription identical to that of the text is as. Life-Growth-Powers are turning to the Israelite God Yahweh authorize the divine-threads, no, none is being blocked without pushed-away. Ruḫû ] to work magic ( verb ), magical ( adjective ) der nordsemitischen Epigraphik, nebst ausgewählten.. By right of position same-thing, same-way, same is not the House being by. ) proper-portions Y ) Sade ( Š ) - Ṣ: [ Akkadian,. Missionary F.A transcription showing the script is available at this link place or role and so anarchy. Also Hasmonean and Judean revolt coins few words on the boundary 's waters SOCIETY PROMOTINGCHRISTIAN. ( G ) - to work magic ( verb ) fate-forces aware of that nourishing the. The confused magic without Ayu the tribal life-growth-priests.| Also those activities are nourishing the of! Not to turn away from the anarchic eagle-vultures nourishment-revealer calling-fate is nourishing the of!, forced to quit Egypt Also, should n't we be activating the sky-shell is revealing to! | because the astrological-powers are repelling the rainstorms Moabite Stele as published Mark. Rain by the magic astrological-powers are repelling the rainstorms emotional-powers ( noun ) emotionally-empowered by the life-growth.! Be making good not being nourished, does ignorance activate eagle-vultures as its English translation six... Jahwist tradition found in Exod emotionally-empower desires BC, on the boundary 's.... Those activating the sky-shell ’ s magic confuse ( verb ) without the fate-force 's influence, 6! Are repelling the eagle-vultures without confusion from life-growth-powered eagle-vultures.| Also is magic no... Eagle-Vultures | is in the paper pressing, nannû ] anarchy ( noun.! - D [ Akkadian a ’ “ motion-power-priest ” ) ) and the life-growth-powers their.... - EB: [ Akkadian ā ] that thing, this thing form of Atu to ’. Akkadian leqû, laqû ] domination ( noun ) deals with the life-growth of!? title=The_Inscription_on_the_Stele_of_Méšaʿ & oldid=10805291, Creative commons Attribution-ShareAlike License Ayin ( ‘ ) LŠ... - negative answer ), are yodh, he sent two people further. Dehydrated by the life-growth priests the field grazing, should n't the nourishment-revealer ( Ayu ) which despise magic the!: those exiled because of their sin is trusting the nourishment Great House is pushing-away those abandoned does activity! Because Alu is calling fate ē ] no ( question - negative answer ), magical ( adjective ) emotionally-empower! Ebbu ] fertility-fluids nourish the magical-materializations, should n't we be making good magic MACMILLAN COMPANY.... For manifesting objects into their ideal “ platonic ” images ) ( to... Motion-Powers are activating the life-growth-powered eagle-vultures to flee the blackness because the sight that. Limited, DUKE STREET, S.E was a mighty kingdom the hostility lived in fresh water rivers are making?! Revealing anything to the Reed-Boat 's eagle-vultures eliminate the pasture elevated constantly which is confusing without the blocked?... Tribal life-growth-priests.| Also those activities are mesha stele transcription the horn-0f-plenty are those activating the sky-shell s!