I wonder why…? Does it encourage its teachers to take continuing education courses? Preschool is also a place which lays the foundation for learning for your child. All children develop at their own place, which is why it's important for a preschool to have a plan for how they will assess student progress. Does the school encourage educators to do collaborative planning where they can share lesson plans and ideas with other teachers? 2. By Scholastic Parents Staff Ask the school you’re considering if they have a guiding philosophy and why they chose it. By 6. What is play and why is it important? 10 Questions to Ask Kids About Their Day at School Get a sense of your child's life at school by asking questions that elicit more than a one-word response. Enquire what language of instruction the school follows, if the programme is child-centred, and if the school encourages learning through creative methods or follows more traditional methods. We tried to have kids for three years before we were successful. How often are you getting calls from preschool? If no, who has been the primary caretaker for the child? 1. Does the preschool offer wholesome, healthy meals and snacks? What is the structure of the programme and the curriculum? How does the philosophy shape the curriculum and class size? Related: 100 Would Your Rather Questions for Kids Questions to Ask Your Kids Open Ended Questions for Preschoolers. Ask them questions in return! A 2014 report, The Power of Parents by the nonprofit group EdSource, found a “measurable impact on student performance” when parents get involved at home and in school. SE, Sommers, JK, Ward, DS. The respect you show for each birth parent’s intrinsic value and humanity will boost your child’s own self-respect. A nap is necessary for children to feel rejuvenated.  • 8 min read, 9 Questions Parents Should Ask The Preschool Before Enrolling Their Child, Parenting Tips to Help Preschoolers (3–5 years) Sleep Well, How To Make Your Child Leave The Store Without Buying Anything, Super-Easy DIY Toys You Can Make for Your Child, 7 Exciting Pirate-Themed Books for Preschoolers, Role Of Parents In Early Childhood Education. Children are responsible for their own lives. You should be aware of the educational philosophy of the institution before enrolling your child and should ensure that it is in agreement with the parenting style you follow. Does their curriculum meet state preschool standards? 8 Questions Parents Should Ask About a Preschool Curriculum, Brain Development during the Preschool Years, National Association for the Education of Young Children. Ask if the preschool gives parents opportunities to volunteer in the classroom. One lesson or activity should lead naturally into the next and the curriculum should cover a wide variety of topics. Make sure you ask how the preschool curriculum teaches children developmentally-appropriate social and emotional skills. Ask if the preschool gives parents opportunities to volunteer in the classroom. This is an important provider question to ask. As your child matures, likely the makeup of her questions will change as well. The best preschools have a chosen philosophy that guides their curriculum as well as their interactions with the children in their care. It should not be viewed as an endpoint in itself. Young children benefit when they learn from educators from many different backgrounds. Are students taught by fully-certified teachers, or by a teacher and an aide? Start each school year with these questions and you might be surprised by the results! 3. If it emphasizes cooperation does the school do anything to foster leadership and autonomy? Here are some questions you must ask the school before you help your child take his first step into the world of learning. A good preschool experience lays the foundation for future success in education and parents should ensure that the preschool meets their expectations. Ask what kinds of degrees or certificates teachers at the preschool hold. Success in life and school is about more than intellectual abilities. Does it give students hands-on learning opportunities with food – making their own food choices, for instance, or learning how to prepare simple meals or snacks? We’ve found that even at a young age, kids are much more engaged in school when they are encouraged to conduct assessment their own learning progress. Ask whether the teachers at the preschool participate in continuing education to keep their skills sharp and up to date. The second – and perhaps even more important – area of focus should be teaching the children how to make good food choices. What is the teacher-to-student ratio followed by the school? Young children are bundles of energy. This will give you an idea about how the school works and if the environment is suitable for your child. Children this age are developing in so many areas at the same time. Ask the parents about these passions and struggles so that you can equip your students with the tools for a truly meaningful education. At Whitby, we’ve been helping parents understand what good education looks like for 60 years. What is the difference between picky eaters and problem feeders? During the initial telephone conversation to set up an in-home interview, parents will typically ask: Are you licensed? Preschool is a place where parents and teachers join hands to make the entire process of learning and exploration meaningful for the child. One of the most significant challenges facing formal education in the United States is the chasm separating schools and communities. Ask the school how they plan to engage your child physically, on a daily basis. How do they communicate educational goals so parents and teachers can work together to help your child succeed? But they are good conversation-starters and having them up your sleeve on those non-responsive days is a great idea. Check out our tablecomparing the two with different characteristics and habits. Obviously enough, one of the first burning questions you’ll have in mind – if not the first – is about how much it’ll cost for you to enroll your child in their daycare center.. What’s the monthly fee you’ll have to pay? To enable the process, you need to enquire about your role and involvement in the activities of your child and establish a proper channel of communication with his teachers. Before making your choice, however, you must make a list of preschools available in your neighbourhood. Dimple Tehlan, part of Safecity’s #WritersMovement, is a B.Ed student at Miranda House. Pernille Ripp. But no—parents are only responsible to their children. By asking the right questions, and carefully considering a school’s answers, parents can choose a preschool that will allow their child to blossom. You should also share important information about him regarding his daily routine, medical conditions (if any), likes and dislikes. 9. Every child needs healthy and nutritious food to help in her growth and development. To help you make your decision, here are eight questions we think it’s important for parents to ask about a preschool before they enroll their child. What is the scope of physical activities for children? And then, we can listen closely to the answers that will undoubtedly give us more insight into this child and this family. At Whitby School, our teachers are all curriculum writers. Does the school teach children real-life problem solving skills they can use on their own and take with them as they grow? In this article, I’ll share with you seven simple questions to ask your children, which will help you to reach your parenting goals. Asking the right questions is one of the most powerful positive parenting tools we have as moms. Let us know in the comments if you have some other good questions teachers should ask parents! 4. Working at Whitby has inspired her to reeducate the world about education, and to spread the passion, wisdom and expertise of the school’s talented faculty and staff. As a parent, you might have several questions regarding the selection of the right preschool for the holistic development of your child. 5. When children enter preschool, they’re in the midst of an incredibly important time in their brain development. Sleeping well is very important for children as it contributes to their physical and mental devel... Arun Sharma Does your child have to be potty-trained before joining school or is the staff willing to assist in the process? How does the school keep you up to date on your child’s progress? How do they communicate educational goals so parents and teachers can work together to help your child succeed? Funny questions kids ask their parents. So I know that parents have lots of questions to ask their preschool teacher on the first day. You probably did some research on the school’s philosophy before scheduling your tour (you can read about preschool philosophies here), but there are more questions to ask. You should also make sure the preschool curriculum builds on itself. Talk to other parents, teachers and stakeholders about the various facilities, safety features and teaching standards employed by the school. At the preschool level, the National Association for the Education of Young Children recommends a student-teacher ratio of between 6:1 and 10:1, depending on the age of the children and the size of the group. See our play brochureto learn more! Three years of doctors shaking their heads, of appointments, of surgery, of medicine to help. The activities should be age-appropriate and take into consideration the maturity and the cognition of the child. What are your child’s areas of strength? Does the preschool provide refreshments or have a healthy snacks policy? But having the right questions to ask can help facilitate conversation. The education division of the National Commission For Protection Of Child Rights mandates that for every 20 children there is one teacher and one caregiver. 8. 1. Italso gives you a good idea of the balance of play-t… Plus, Dr. Borba adds, "You're modeling what a …  • 8 min read. Sarah Mead is the Director of Marketing & Communications for Whitby School. Be open to communicating with the teacher regarding your child’s progress in school on a regular basis. Some of the most important questions to ask when your child starts preschool pertain to the day-to-day operations within the classroom itself. Are you asking your kids the right questions when you pick them up from preschool? Linda Whitehead, Ph.D., vice president of education and development for Bright Horizons, What is the daily schedule? Dimple Tehlan Daycare Parent Questions. Show me how you…? Even the very best preschool program, with the very best teachers, can fail your child if they get lost in a crowd of other children. Important questions you should ask the preschool before enrolling your child in it: 1. A peer-reviewed article published by the National Institutes of Health, “Brain Development during the Preschool Years,” refers to this time in a child’s life as a period of “expansive psychological growth.”. Wouldn’t your little adventurers love to set sail on a pirate ship? Even as an adult, I return to happy memories of my parents, grandparents and great-grandmother when times get tough. Have them show you the school grounds and explain security to make sure children are properly supervised indoors and outdoors. Want to see the learning in action? Education is a very dynamic field with new information and new learning theories being developed all the time. This will help in the wholesome development of your child. What are the school hours and does it have classes in the morning or afternoon or both? Fortunately, the APA Coalition for Psychology in Schools and Education has put together a brochure intended to give parents some guidance about questions to consider, and things to look for, when deciding whether a center will work for them and their child. Finally, ask if the preschool has a program for student self-assessment. How safe are the pick-up and drop-off procedures for children? Responsible for their academic performance, for their behavior, for their social etiquette. Parents are responsible to their children by giving them love and support and a good home environment. Looking for expert tips and interesting articles on parenting?  • 8 min read. Wondering which preschool to admit your child in? 1. August 15, 2017. A good curriculum entails a wide variety of activities for the all-round development of the learner. Take them on a thrilling voya... Aarthi Arun Does it convey the message that good foods give children energy to run and play? Your details have been submitted successfully. Either way, you need to be prepared with answers. Here are the best open ended questions for kids, but especially our sweet preschoolers who are learning how beautifully made their voices are! When you’re looking for a preschool for your child, it’s important to look at the curriculum to make sure that it will help them develop during this vital time. 7. What is the drop-off and pick-up policy? After all, it's proven that kids mimic the words, patterns, routines, and behavior of their parents. Finally, find out their protocol if a child is hurt at school. Many preschool children spend hours a day in childcare settings. What is the educational philosophy of the preschool? Build the relationship. It is meant to begin the discussion of classroom issues and challenges between educators and families. 20 Questions Parents Should Ask Teachers About Their Child’s Education. Join our Circles to share, discuss and learn from fellow parents and experts! How is it certified? Preschool is the first step toward formal schooling for your child and sets the stage for lifelong learning. Sometimes, a lot of things in a store can catch your child's fancy and he may immediately want th... Ashwin Lobo What is the educational philosophy of the preschool? Sometimes when you’re just trying to connect with your child it’s easy for them to shut down, oftentimes hidden behind a screen. I’m not suggesting a questionnaire to be completed by the parents. All the people who work with your child, however, should be professionals with independent credentials. 2. Kids can ask anything anytime as they are always in a state of amazement with their surroundings. Are they certified as a Montessori preschool, for instance? To get at this “parent wisdom,” we can ask thoughtful and intentional questions about their child. Use this Coupon code: P3BFV4FB74JV. In the preschool setting, the promotion of good nutrition should have two areas of focus. Does it give children opportunities to work together in both small and large groups? Does the school require CPR and infant and child first-aid training? 2004. What do you think…? Ask how the school you’re considering monitors student growth. Three years of dreaming. In retrospect, I wish I’d asked more questions about their child and then listened more to what they had to say. This energy needs to be invested in a proper way through fun activities. Nothing piques a child’s interest in good food choices and nutrition like actually being allowed to be the chef. 1. Everyone has a story, so there is no doubt that your parents have an interesting story no matter how ‘uncool’ you may think your folks are. Typical preschoolers push boundaries and … During preschool, your child’s growing brain is undergoing dynamic “anatomical and physiological changes” that happen at no other time during maturation. Teachers should "follow the child" and use observation to know when students have mastered a lesson and are ready to move onto more challenging work. Make sure you also ask about how the school builds differentiated learning into their curriculum so that they can match their education to each child's individual needs.  • 7 min read. Do they offer parenting classes that will help you learn how you can help set your child up for success? What do I need to know about the development of baby’s vision? 2. Does the preschool start teaching children why some foods are better than others? Also ask how many of the staff are trained in CPR, pediatric first aid, playground safety, and nutrition. The best curriculums include activities that incorporate the development  of language, motor, academic and social skills. How do they assess students, for instance? Parental involvement has been shown to be more important to a child’s success in school than any other single factor. If the child has primarily been at home with a parent, especially in the case of an only child, you may want to ask if the child has been a part of other groups. What are the educational qualifications and experience of the faculty? Your child needs to engage in critical thinking to discuss a book — a key skill for success in school as well as life. Watching for baby’s ability to make eye cont… What is the role of parents in the learning process employed by the school? Sarah's mind is a stirring pot of thoughts and ideas on content marketing, blogging, photography, videography, storytelling, social media, and website optimization. Subscribe now to our magazine. Knowing the daily schedule can help you better prepare your child for that first day of school. Question #1: “What can I do to be a better parent?” The simplest way to become a better parent is to ask your children what they think. When you do ask your child how their day was you typically get some bland one or two-word response. If they emphasize individual learning, how is cooperation taught? Examples: sports, activity classes, play dates, etc. When you ask them Question #1, be prepared for an honest answer. They are continuously adapting the curriculum to best meet their learners' needs. Play is a way for your child to familiarize themselves with the world while exploring and testing their own limits. Choosing the right preschool for your child may well be one of the most important decisions you’ll make. Inquire about the parents’ expectations of your staff. What is the fee structure and what are the various payment options available? Knowing “where I came from” helps me to reconnect and recenter myself. Is the preschool easily accessible from your home or your workplace? August 8, 2017. That’s why it’s important to dive deep into a preschool’s curriculum to ensure that they’re using best practices for early childhood education, are led by committed educators and pay attention to all aspects of your child’s development. 21 Questions to Ask Your Child About a Book Talking to your children about the books they read is one of the best ways to support your child’s literacy development. What measures do they use to observe students? Enquire about the policies, to know if you are on board with the school’s philosophies. As a parent, you need to ensure that the school has the ideal teacher-to-child ratio to achieve all that. Are you getting calls about your child’s behavior a couple of times a month? The preschool years are a vital time for learning. Also, keep a note of the important dates for submission of applications, the admission procedure and all other formalities required at the time of admission. Do they offer parenting classes that will help you learn how you can help set your child up for success? What Parents Wish We Would Ask Them About Their Child. It is better to prepare a year before enrolment begins at schools. So, it is important that the faculty at the preschool is properly trained and qualified to provide appropriate learning experiences to the child. Is their curriculum guided by the International Baccalaureate, or another educational program? Does the school support teachers and encourage professional development? Does the school look for teachers who are passionate about learning? The parent questions may range from only a few questions, or all the way to one parent I had that came armed with a four page questionnaire. 4. You must enquire if naptime is included in the schedule and if proper sleeping mats, pillows and sheets are provided by the school. It is so important that we take the time to teach our children about our family trees, so they can reap the benefits of knowing where they came from. Want to give your child the option of playing with safe and handmade toys that are customised to ... Deepti Menon What is the teacher-student ratio?States will have minimum requirements regarding teacher-student ratio, so do an internet search for preschool student-teacher ratios for your state before hand. To get an insight about the preschool’s environment, you should ask the school for references. 8 Creative Questions to Ask Your Child About Their School Day Under: Parenting , Kids , Motherhood / By: Jessica I invited Jessica over at Messes & Memories to share with us the creative ways she gets her daughter to talk about her school day. Connect with us on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube, Buy theme-based fun learning kids activity books for preschoolers and 6-12-year-old children with a 10% special launch offer for all the books. As you’re looking for a preschool for your child, make sure you look for one that offers you regular opportunities to get involved in your child’s learning experience.  • 7 min read. Every school will implement the philosophy they follow differently. Some preschools have longer hours and include nap time in their schedules. 6. How does the preschool help shy children feel more comfortable and encourage them to make friends? 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