General Skywalker's fighter couldn't start. Today Jack is the representative of Kamino. Their mission is to protect important government buildings and maintain the defenses of Coruscant. The CIS was under the command of Techno Union leader, Wat Tambor. Building a command center though one year of the Clone Wars. Award. Jack was later given Gallia's saber. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Jack gave the name "The Kashyyyk lightsaber". (that will be another story for the Rebellion Era), "I want you troopers to remember—we're shoulder-to-shoulder on those front lines. Once Windu and ARF troopers Razor and Stak were able to activate Lessu's plasma bridge, the only access to the city, the combined forces of Lightning Squadron and freedom fighters entered the city and routed the Confederacy in what became known as the Battle of Lessu. e Jedi not against them. Star Wars 28: What Ever Happened to Jabba the Hut? Forcetammer:"THE LEGACY OF JACK TRESHERSLIDER ENDS HERE! ", Grievous:"Kamino has fallen, the Republic has lost!". [1], Following Jack's death, Solo and Organa searched the wreckage of Jack's destroyed vessel and paid their respects to Jolli's corpse for her role in rescuing them from Jack's attack. After restoring the Imperial vessel, Jack and his crew encountered smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon, fresh from their participation in the Battle of Yavin. Although not above executing and torturing prisoners with inhumane methods such as the Burning, Jack was also very practical, releasing Han Solo and Chewbacca after stealing their treasure instead of killing them, hoping that he would be able to steal from them at a later date. Tresherslider signs the Declaration of Rebellion. Meanwhile Fisto decided to capture the General. However, before he could question the princess, Jack found his ship caught in a sonic jammer from the ship-dwellers who lived on the water planet on Ship-city. But Skywalker had to rescue R2, Commander Tano was tasked with destroying the station. He is Jack Sparrow's father and a former Pirate Lord of Madagascar, retiring from the position and becoming the Keeper of the Pirate's Code. The rest of Jack's crew became made up more or less Human pirates from a variety of star systems. By the time they got there, there was a small fleet of CIS ships. The ship-dwellers, under the command of Governor Quarg, were hoping to drag the ship to the planet's surface and scavenge the metal from the craft. Captain Jack vs Han Solo After making a quick piece of innuendo about the hairiness of his Wookie, Captain Jack reaches to his holster for his pistol, only to whip out a banana from the groves at the heart of Villengard (dammit, Doctor!). Shortly after the droids were defeated the pod was found by General Skywaller and  Commander Tano. (David opens cell door), Dheeb:"Well the Republic sent someone in for their 'clone trooper' after all. [1], Jack agreed to the deal, and he had his ship create a magnetic field between his ship and the Millennium Falcon so that the two men could meet in space without space suits and make the trade without concealed weapons. Captain Jack McCarthy. However, Organa refused to tell Jack the location of the Rebel base, knowing that Jack would also attempt to sell the information to the Galactic Empire. However, with the upcoming release of Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, and the revelation that the bounty would still be on Solo's head in that film, the writers were forced to replace the bounty on Solo's head. Dheeb said "Drop your weapons! "A soldier's most powerful weapon is courage. ", Jack:"No one is dying its a sacrifice!, LEO NOW! "Blast them!" He then constructed two lightsabers. Jack refused, Vader then held Jack in a force hold briefly before slamming him into a wall as Vader exited the cell. The Republic was outgunned and outnumbered by a hundred to one. I'll be right behind you, I promise. When senator Organa contacted Kota he said to find Jack and join him. This … Barrowman returned to the Doctor Who universe as his beloved character Captain Jack Harkness on New Year's Day during the "Revolution of the Daleks" Festive Special. Jack developed a good relationship with R9, it was like General Skywalker and R2-D2. In Star Wars 28: What Ever Happened to Jabba the Hut?, Solo had saved Jabba's life, resolving the bounty that had been placed on his head. However Jack felt he needed to comply with master Yoda so he got the last transport headed for Geonosis and was off  to war... 22 BBY, Jack was one of  first sent to Geonosis. Successfully Tresherslider drove off the Death Watch. Krell landed near Tup who led him near the vixus Tup stunned him. Jack came too in the Med Lab everyone look at him & said "You sacrificed yourself you're awesome." Crimson Jack, famous for his distinctive red beard, began his career as a pirate, making his living ambushing spice caravans in the Outer Rim. While training on Kamino, in 28 BBY the clone template, Jango Fett drops in & watches Jack and his brothers who would later become his squad do the Citadel Challenge. ", Rivershot:"Happy moment is over back to blasting clankers. After arriving in the system, Solo and Organa managed to escape, when the ship-dwellers of Drexel attempted to pull Crimson Jack's ship out of the sky. The story of Jack Tresherlider first begun in 2006, when TreshersliderOfficial took writing classes. Han Solo and his co-pilot, Chewbacca, were on their way to meet with Jabba the Hutt and pay off the crime lord with the reward they had received from the Rebel Alliance for rescuing Princess Leia Organa from the Death Star, to remove the bounty Jabba had placed on their heads. a man shouted. I don't remember a prison there. One of turets had managed to Treshersilder's fighter, knocking him out. (tear runs down face), Jack:"Its time to blow this place with the land! "You guys are my friends and squad mates. [3] Jack replaced the stolen craft with a Corellian gunship, and the pirate gang continued their operation. Some time during the Clone Wars Tresherslider and Shadow Company were sent to Kashyyyk. 22 BBY, the CIS invaded the crystal world of Christophsis. However, Jolli had been able to pilot her wrecked Y-wing back to the ship. 20 BBY, a conference had been held to discuss ending the war. fashemoi02-Clone Wars • Someday This War is Gonna End, star wars-Star Wars: The Clone Wars Celebrates 100 Episodes. The pirates defeated a light resistance of stormtroopers, and the ship belonged to Crimson Jack. The Jedi Council sent General Skywalker, Commander Tano and Captains, Rex and Tresherslider to the Bothawui system. [1], Crimson Jack with his orange hair and Jolli. And sometimes we may quarrel, but no matter what, we are united. Jack was bewildered by the confession, knowing that Jolli had a reputation as a man-hater, and exclaimed that he could not understand the effect that Solo had on women. The blaster fire grew louder and louder, then everything went silent. Do you still see her? Followed by One Clone Captain Stories of the Rebel Alliance. Jack:"I hear a lot of talking general!, but in the final accounting what does all the talk get you?, a cyborg body? Dartshooter before being killed by Vizsla. Animationfreaky- Star Wars The Clone Wars: Tribute! But he used a Separatist Neimoidian shuttle. But David forced Dheeb into a wall, then grabbed Jack and with his men retreated to a Telgorn Gunship they took off and headed for his cruiser. Jack was manning the guns of the Twilight bought time for Skywalker and saved him. Grievous went to kill Rex, but was stoped by Tano and their duel continued. Description Discussions 0 Comments 12 Change Notes . At the age of 8, Jack and Jango went to  the planet of Kashyyyk which was where Jack took "The Gathering" and got his lightsaber crystals. Aiming the weapon at Crimson Jack's head, Solo negotiated a position with the pirate. After they got his lightsaber they never went back. The Guard also operated a Diplomatic Escort Group to accompany dignitaries or other important persons on special missions and assignments.As the war continued, the Guard's role expanded and they became Coruscant's secondary police force next to the Coruscant Security Force, a role previously held by the Senate Guard. To guide Jack's crew, Solo had Chewbacca tap into the ship's computers to show the way. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In Star Wars 12: Doomworld!, Crimson Jack had told Solo that he had found financial backers to fund the restoration of his craft. For a share of future profits, Jabba helped refit and recondition the Imperial cruiser. Commander Fox locked Forcetammer in the high security cell. In Jack's childhood days they trained together. Fisto and Tresherslider dueled Grievous until the Jedi bomber arrived & they returned to the Jedi Temple. Jack let Solo leave with a tracer placed aboard his ship, hoping that he might be able to pull the same caper on Solo at a later time. Tresherslider led a squad of Wookiees while on Kashyyyk. They took off their helmets they were shocked. one of Plo's cruisers was Tresherslider's (Tresherslider wasn't on his ship at that time). On its escape path, the craft's reactors went out, leaving the ship to drift helplessly. Unfavorite. The New Republic was founded on the same premise that the old Galactic Republic was thousands of generations before—to have a representative parliamentary body govern the galaxy in a fair and equal manner—and it was designed to eradicate the shortcomings that brought about the Galactic Republic's downfall. We work hard to protect your security and privacy. So roll the credits. Chronological and political information In 2 collections by sauron2012. Rule one: we fight together."―Colt. [6] Although he had previously taken off the bounty on Solo's head,[9] Jabba decided to replace the bounty on Han Solo's head after discovering this incident. ", David:"To the CIS cruiser up there." Since Jack was in the senate & friends with Chancellor Toko. Jack's blades were purple and blue. Where he trained to become an ARC trooper.The final part of Jack's training was to take an exam to determine his final rank in the army. a memorial was built to honer those who were killed during the Battle of Umbara, specially Hardcase. Jack was the first trooper, along Rex to reach the top. Unlike most clones Jack shows a soft side, he shows a great love to Christina Williams, when he told her how he felt about her and married her. Jack made Shadow Company become senate guards they are the first clone senate guards. [4], Shortly afterward, the ship arrived in the Drexel system above the only world in the system. In the hold of the Imperial craft, the gang employed many different starfighters including TIE fighters, X-wings, and Y-wings. Jack had victory on everything even the Sith academy. Tresherslider went in alone & battled Vizsla. when the storyline had come under the direction of Archie Goodwin and Carmine Infantino. But  CIS routed the Republic in an ambush, inflicting devastating clone trooper casualties. His teacher was so impressed that TreshersliderOfficial's teacher inspired him to make it into a 12 part book series. 90 items. "I shot my brothers Jack thought." The New Republic was protected by the New Jedi Order, which established by Luke Skywalker, just as the Old Republic was once protected by the Old Jedi Order. Due to Jolli's efforts of disabling the Falcon, Jack opened up communications with Solo, claiming that he was about to vaporize him. Horrible news about the Jedi Temple was given, it had been bombed. The squad took a shortcut, by going though a smuggling route called, Balmorra Run. 22 BBY Kamino, master Yoda had came to Kamino to see the new Grand Army of the Repubilc. AT-TE walkers land on the CIS command ship. Now in space, the group decided to hide on Kashyyyk. ―Jango Fett, Sometimes heroes fall despite their strength, Clone wars - Clone tribute Will not die.m4v, Star Wars The Clone Wars Celebrates 100 Episodes. Forcetammer was taken prison. When suddenly General Skywalker's fighter begun smoking, Commander Tano had manage to save him. General Skywalker and Commander Tano had led a squad of starfighters. Then Tarkin scanned the ship, he picked up large amounts of rhydonium. Suddenly David realized he wasn't on the planet, but in space. [1], Jolli and her two pilots quickly found the Millennium Falcon and began to herd Solo towards Crimson Jack and a waiting tractor beam. The Republic got and answered a plea from the Christophsian resistance. the membership bought by Treshersliderofficial on Dec 25, 2012. Jack also shows a great deal of kindness to everyone he meets. [7] As a result, Jack was quite surprised when he learned that it had been Chewbacca who had erased the star charts from his navigation computer. Members of the order were involved in many of the key conflicts in the galaxy, including the Nagai–Tof War, Operation Shadow Hand, the Black Fleet Crisis and the First Corellian Insurrection. Tambor's own tactical droid, TA-175, escaped with the Emir's shuttle and left him stranded, and Windu was able to capture Tambor. (pointing to cruiser), David:"Tell the command ship fire at there hyperdrive, we must not let them escape. The battle droids were defeated  until Ventress arrived with reinforcements. 0 ABY, Drexel system[1] -tear runs down Jack's face, Shortly after the rescue, Shadow Company went to Coruscant to deliver bounty hunter, Dave Forcetammer to prison. Shortly after First Battle of Geonosis, the Supreme Chancellor had formed a law enforcers and special operations troops on Coruscant and a few other Core Worlds. Shortly after the Battle of Christophsis, the CIS had kidnapped Jabba the Hutt's son in an effort to gain access to Hutt space. When Blaster was killed by Darth Vader, Jack would get revenge. All famous members happen to trained under Rancor Battalion in 28 BBY. He later secretly married Senator Christina Williams, who was the second senator of Naboo. Jack secretly followed them to Florrum, using the T-6 Jedi shuttle. Out of this conflict, a more ruthless, and later, centralized Order was born. Description. The Jedi Knights, reduced in number to only a handful, were slowly restored, primarily under the leadership of Luke Skywalker, son of the former Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. Jack's crystals however were gifted by a wookiee. But the Republic broke though, by crashing the Defender. At the First Battle of Geonosis, then-Commander Jag commanded the 127th Gunship Wing.A member of the famed CT-5 batch of clone troopers, as well as an able and somewhat aggressive pilot, although his destiny was to lead, not fly. In Star Wars 14: The Sound of Armageddon, Crimson Jack's hair is incorrectly shown as orange for several panels. Jack defeated him and they retreated. [4] Although skeptical of Solo's story, Jack decided to interview Organa once again. David and his strike team made there way to detention center. The Republic navy spread thin, more and more ground-based legions found themselves pressed into space combat. A short while later, Jack captured both Leia Organa and Solo, intent on ransoming the Rebel princess to the Alliance command. After bringing the Falcon back aboard his ship, Jack had his crew search the craft again. This meant it was repeatedly targeted by enemies of the Republic, such as Admiral Daala, the Empire Reborn, and the Second Imperium. Starting with an initial group of 12 students, the Order slowly grew in numbers and stature, becoming a core part of the New Republic that sponsored it. Vader offered Jack a choice: hunt down the last of the Jedi or remain in custody. He said the CIS are one million credits ahead for a clone.Battle droids were everywhere. Despite his brash attitude, Jack also proved to be capable at scheming, devising plans to outwit Han Solo, and he nearly killed the smuggler after trapping him within his ship's magnetic field and ambushing him. After three more days a breech was detected on level 5. Jack's friend Chancellor Toko kept saying who is going represent Kamino? Star Wars - Galactic Republic. Then Jack recovered a holocron containing the main outposts on Geonosis the Republic attacked them and won the battle. Crimson Jack received a minor mention in Star Wars 37: In Mortal Combat following his full departure from the storyline. Jack managed to capture a CIS canon and use it against the droids. It would continue to grow and serve the galaxy for decades to come, until the Sith–Imperial War once again dispersed the Order and made its members fugitives. Jan 17, 2016 @ 3:20pm. But Jack awoke bleeding and told R9 to continue the mission and told master Plo he would gladly die to save lives. Ventress:"More clones this will be easy. Tresherslider arrived with 4 squads of men ready to to take the hutt into custody. Crimson Jack watches as Han Solo guides his flagship to the Drexel system. Han draws his trusty blaster and shoots first (ha! After trying to find whatever they could salvage, they reported back to Jabba that his investment had been completely destroyed, including the treasure holds that the ship once held. Bombing on Kamino, a year after the Battle of Kamino (Tipoca City assault) the CIS launched a bombing on Kamino. Detention center princess had been responsible was until the CIS had a secret weapon that no., warlord of the Twi'lek villages inflicting devastating Clone trooper casualties Jack watches as han Solo guides flagship. Remaining men met Skywalker and R2 in hanger two panels tracking becon was triggered, seeing Commander! And Amidala capture Ziro my friends and squad mates raiding the ship in the mission to rescue R2, Tano! As Skywalker awoke he was contacted by the 501st, Jack: '' this is shuttle,... Was covered in water and appeared to be uninhabited after looking over it, it had been taken Teth! All famous members happen to trained under CL-3426, Jack was a small fleet CIS! 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