Which process allows water to enter the atmosphere? Which process allows water to enter the atmosphere? Weegy: Evaporation allows water to enter the atmosphere. Oxygen, a by-product of photosynthesis, and water vapor exit the leaf. At a mean temperature of Earth’s surface of 15 °C (59 °F), the partial pressure of water vapour at equilibrium with pure water is 0.017 atmosphere. Which of the following would be a result of eutrophication of nitrogen? The process through which water is introduced into the atmosphere is the evaporation. x = y + 10 How Does Carbon Dioxide Enter the Leaf? they will cool and form dew, clouds, or fog through condensation. mutualism. View Answer. Water at the surface of the ocean, rivers, and lakes can become water vapor and move into the atmosphere with a little added energy from the Sun through a process called evaporation. The liquid water present in the ecosystem through various sources such as the river, lake, and pond are the hydrosphere of the earth. x = 2y - 1. parasitism. Permeable rocks can be porous (e.g. Once in the air, the wind may take the water vapor almost anywhere. ★★★ Correct answer to the question: Which process allows water to enter the atmosphere? The water surfaces in hot springs. An atmosphere (from Ancient Greek ἀτμός (atmos), meaning 'vapour', and σφαῖρα (sphaira), meaning 'ball' or 'sphere') is a layer or a set of layers of gases surrounding a planet or other material body, that is held in place by the gravity of that body. question 4 options: human carbohydrates a protein made up of both human and bacterial properties the human protein coded for by the human gene human plasmids that can be isolated from the bacterium, Every early childhood education program should develop a. User: An essay ... Weegy: 2x + y = 3 User: Solve the following system of equations. After researching, what is your initial answer to the question? Later to which they condense to form the clouds. Water enters the atmosphere through evaporation, transpiration, excretion and sublimation: Transpiration is the loss of water from plants ( via … Which process allows water to enter the atmosphere? Water present in leaves, flower , stem gets vaporized and enters in the atmosphere. At its most basic, the water cycle is how water continuously moves from the ground to the atmosphere and back again. The atmosphere is the superhighway in the sky that moves water everywhere over the Earth. Updated 135 days ago|9/11/2020 2:15:06 PM, Updated 102 days ago|10/14/2020 12:12:31 PM. Plants have a waxy cuticle on their leaves to prevent desiccation, or drying out. Sunlight turns liquid water into water vapor which then rises higher into the atmosphere and forms into clouds. Related questions. This prevents the air, containing carbon dioxide, from entering the leaf. Biology, 20.05.2020 23:59, Gerber7778 Which two processes allow water to enter the atmosphere? 3x + 2y - 5 = 0 What process allows most moisture to enter the atmosphere? Updated 153 days ago|8/25/2020 8:54:44 AM, A result of eutrophication of nitrogen is hypoxia, or low levels of oxygen. Most of the remaining 10% found in the atmosphere is … yeswey |Points 25218| User: Which process plays an important role in the biogeochemical cycles of … The step in the water cycle in which water is released from plants into the atmosphere is called transpiration. Earn a little too. Sunlight turns liquid water into water vapor which then rises higher into the atmosphere and forms into clouds. The boiling water may gently bubble or gush out of the ground in geysers. Plants use the process of _____ to remove carbon dioxide from the air. Only fresh water enters the atmosphere by evaporation. Recent Posts. Solve the following system of equations. User: Which process allows water to enter the atmosphere? 4080 users searched for this homework answer last month and 83 are doing it now, let’s get your homework done. Evaporation: It is a process in which substance from its liquid state starts getting converted into gaseous state due increase in temperature. It moves these solutes from epidermis cells through the […] The early atmosphere was mainly carbon dioxide and water vapour. A) Transpiration B) Respiration C) Condensation D) Evaporation The correct answer is evaporation and transpiration. Evaporation is the process that allows water to enter into the atmosphere. Home / Science / Biology / Botany / How Does Carbon Dioxide Enter the Leaf? Updated 139 days … Because they were buying so many they got 5% off the price. These specialized apertures open during the day to allow for the exchange of carbon dioxide and water in a process known as transpiration. Option – D. Categories Uncategorized Post navigation. Where as condensation is process where gaseous state of substance is converted in liquid state and precipitation is water released from the cloud sin the form of rain. As it moves through this cycle, it changes forms. What causes hail formation? For instance, clouds could form, but then dissipate again without any of those events happening. Water moving below ground depends on the permeability (how easy or difficult it is for water to move) and on the porosity (the amount of open space in the material) of the subsurface rock. Evaporation is the process in which water from bodies of water vaporizes and enters the atmosphere while transpiration is the process in which water from plants evaporates into the atmosphere. Heat from the Sun causes water to evaporate from the surface of lakes and oceans. What would happen if there was no condensation stage in the water cycle? evaporation condensation precipitation freezing. Water can also get into the atmosphere from snow and ice. Option – D. Categories Uncategorized Post navigation. Pick one of the diseases and briefly describe what organelle or cell structures is being affect and what symptoms might be associated with that disease, Which of the following will a bacterium produce when a human gene is added to its genome? A mall kiosk needed to buy 33 new cell phone cases at z dollars a piece. Plants, too, help water get into the atmosphere through a process called transpiration. How Does Carbon Dioxide Enter the Leaf? evaporation condensation precipitation freezing. Renewable Sustenance: Water is an essential life component. Photosynthesis caused the amount of carbon dioxide to decrease and oxygen to increase. In particular, it is used in the root systems to bring in nutrients from soil. gets into the atmosphere because of evaporation.Clouds carry these mini droplets of water along wid them and when a cloud hits the other ,the water comes down in the form of rain.In very low temperatures it falls in the form of ice or snow.and this process is called 'precipitation. Which process allows water to enter the atmosphere? 2 processes that allow water to enter the atmosphere are evaporation and transpiration. Cultural Literature: My Sioux Pride From the Trail of Tears To the tale of the Wounded Knee I have lived the history of... Margo is sending a poster to her niece Kennedy in Indianapolis. I think B is the best. I don't like "D" because it is the process that gets the water into the atmosphere; it doesn't happen afterward. C.) Water could not convert from transpiration to evaporation. 2x + y = 3 Water enters the atmosphere through three processes: evaporation, transpiration, and sublimation. Plants, too, help water get into the atmosphere through a process called transpiration! Some rocks are impervious an do not let water enter e.g. An atmosphere is more likely to be retained if the gravity it is subject to is high and the temperature of the atmosphere is low. Biology Plants Plant Control / Hormones. commensalism. A relationship in which one species consumes and the other is killed is known as predation. The total area of the monument is 84 square feet, and the base is 6 feet wide. You may think every drop of rain falling from the sky, or each glass of water you drink, is brand new, but it has always been here, and is a part of the water cycle. Condensation C.) Precipitation D.) Freezing. evaporation condensation precipitation freezing. A) Transpiration B) Respiration C) Condensation D) Evaporation Free Question Bank for 5th Class Science Weather, Air and Water Air, Water and Weather Unlike oxygen and nitrogen, the concentration of oxygen depends on local weather conditions and changes greatly from place to place on Earth. These specialized apertures open during the day to allow for the exchange of carbon dioxide and water in a process known as transpiration. and transpiration from the plants. precipitation and evaporation evaporation and condensation precipitation and condensation evaporation and transpiration? Weegy: The process that allows water to enter the atmosphere is evaporation. Answer link. Asked 63 days ago|11/16/2020 9:41:18 PM. A) Transpiration. Photosynthesis. Before anything else happens, the water must first condense. Water can enter the atmosphere via which of the following process? Evaporation allows water to enter the atmosphere. If you increase the temperature of the burner, more heat enters the water. This Top Homework Answer is High School level and belongs to the Biology subject. Only a tiny fraction of Earth’s water is in the atmosphere at any one time. A and C aren't necessary. The water cycle, also known as the hydrological cycle, is the process by which water travels from the Earth's surface to the atmosphere and then back to the ground again. Studies have revealed that evaporation—the process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas—from oceans, seas, and other bodies of water (lakes, rivers, streams) provides nearly 90% of the moisture in our atmosphere. Evaporation is the process that allows water to enter into the atmosphere. December 16, 2019 by JobSandhan. It is part of DNA, certain fats in cell membranes, bones, teeth, and the shells of some animals. Earth Science Weather Weather and Atmospheric Water. Heat from the Sun causes water to evaporate from the surface of lakes and oceans. How tall is the m... Should college athletes be paid to play? Fancy Frappucinno purchased a coffee drink machine on January​ 1, 2018​, for $ 39,000. yeswey|Points 25218| User: Which process plays an important role in the biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus?photosynthesis transpiration decomposition respiration Which choice is an equation of this line? Question. Snow and ice can also become water vapor through a process called sublimation. Which process allows water to enter the atmosphere - 18617152 trayhoopergang trayhoopergang 22.06.2020 Biology Secondary School Which process allows water to enter the atmosphere 2 See answers Brainly User Brainly User Answer: Explanation:Waterenters theatmospherethrough threeprocesses: evaporation, transpiration, and sublimation. There, volcanic heat makes the water hot enough to boil. Which two processes allow water to enter the atmosphere in a gaseous state? For example, imagine a pot of boiling water on a stove burner: that water is at 100°C (212°F). Weegy: -7 + N = 20 User: y - 12 = -10 Weegy: x + 5 = 2x User: y - 12 = -10 Weegy: x + 5 = 2x User: y + 1.05 = ... Weegy: The phrase which do not describe a mineral is organic solid. Water removed from the oceans, lakes, and soil by evaporation is returned to earth in the form of rain, snow, sleet, and hail.I hope this help :) Phosphorus Cycle Introduction Phosphorus is an important chemical for plants and animals. A.) Through what process does water enter the atmosphere from your body as you sweat Water and the atmosphere Water enters the atmosphere through evaporation, transpiration, excretion and sublimation: Transpiration is the loss of water from plants (via their leaves). A circle has a circumference of 11,304 units . This turns the liquid water into water vapor in the atmosphere. In an experiment, the weight that mice gain is the dependent variable and the temperature of the environment is the independent variable. Asked 10/29/2018 7:19:46 AM. Which process allows water to enter the atmosphere? This step allows water to enter the atmosphere to condense into clouds. She buys a shipping box for posters at the post office so the poster will not be crump... View a few ads and unblock the answer on the site. A) Transpiration B) Respiration C) Condensation D) Evaporation Ask for details ; Follow Report by Mishtybabu5900 08.12.2018 Log in … Water also enters the atmosphere in other ways. Which phrase describes non-foliated rocks. The emotional atmosphere that a poem creates is known as Which process allows water to enter the atmosphere? they will combine to form runoff and flow into rivers, lakes, and oceans. This answer got 183 “Big Thanks” from other students from places like Kent Narrows or Downsville. Which process allows water to enter the atmosphere - 18617152 trayhoopergang trayhoopergang 22.06.2020 Biology Secondary School Which process allows water to enter the atmosphere 2 See answers Brainly User Brainly User Answer: Explanation:Waterenters theatmospherethrough threeprocesses: evaporation, transpiration, and sublimation. Answers: 3 on a question: Which of the following best describes what happens to water molecules after they enter the atmosphere through the process of evaporation? Round to the nearest tenths. A.the weight of the mice B. the color of the mouse cages C. the length of time that the mice are observed D.the temperature of the laboratory rooms. Evaporation is the procedure where water is turned into gas from its liquid state - therefore, turning it into water vapor which is a type of gas. granite. When their bubbles enter the atmosphere, they release water vapor. s. Expert answered|destle6|Points 17381| Log in for more information. Plants, too, help water get into the atmosphere through a process called transpiration. Evaporation B.) Water can enter to the atmosphere thanks to evaporation. Evaporation. Biology 0. Share what’s outside your window and all around you. Log in for more information. Hey me with this one❤☺❤ how do you say that a cell also has a life span and death like an organism? give one example. User: minerals containing iron are attracted bt ... Weegy: If you INTEND to visit your grandmother,you should go now,visiting hours will be ending soon. Which process allows water to enter the atmosphere? The sun provides the energy for a continuous exchange of moisture between the oceans, the land and the atmosphere. Heat moves in the atmosphere the same way it moves through the solid Earth (Plate Tectonics chapter) or another medium.What follows is a review of the way heat flows and is transferred, but applied to the atmosphere. The increase in water pressure at the root hairs forces water upward, cell by cell, through the roots and trunk toward the top of the tree. Water is transferred through the soil as throughflow. The water remains at its boiling temperature, but the additional energy goes into changing the water from liquid to gas. This step allows water to enter the atmosphere to condense into clouds. Question. The... What is the solution to the system of equations graphed below?? Which expre... Help my hurry I need help & don’t get me wrong . Question. Solution for Which process allows water to enter the atmosphere? evaporation condensation precipitation freezing - edu-answer.com Therefore, the process by which green plants prepare their own food like glucose from carbon dioxide and water by using sunlight energy in the presence of chlorophyll is called photosynthesis. Evaporation is the process in which water from bodies of water vaporizes and enters the atmosphere while transpiration is the process in which water from plants evaporates into the atmosphere. C) Condensation. Radiation is the transfer of energy between two objects by electromagnetic waves.Heat radiates from the ground into the lower atmosphere. Water moves through soil under the force of gravity towards rivers and streams. Clouds are, of course, the most visible manifestation of atmospheric water, but even clear air contains water — water in particles that are too small to be seen. Carbon dioxide enters the leaf through tiny openings called the stomata. Phosphorus circulates through water, the Earth's crust, and living organisms. In the case of bodies falling under gravity which of the following remains constant at a given place? Weegy: The solution ... Weegy: When Congress doesn't approve a president's choice for a federal court this is an example of checks and ... Weegy: The methods of handling businesses and industries that conduct business around the world is known as ... WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming social network that turns your phone into a live broadcast camera for streaming to friends, family, followers, or everyone. 1 Answer Junaid Mirza Nov 13, 2016 Transpiration . These water vapour are then introduced in to the atmosphere. When water gets converted into water vapors due to this process  which allows water to enter in theatmosphere. Water vapour condensed to form the oceans. Animals excrete water by respiration and by passing urine. Water in the Atmosphere Forms of Water Nearly all of the water is located in the lowest layer of the atmosphere, the troposphere. The water is cycled in our ecosystem through the water cycle. Water have to be in gas state to enter in the atmosphere since it is the outer layer of earth made of gases which are lighter or have low density compared to other components of earth. Explanation: Transpiration is the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts, such as leaves, stems and flowers. This turns the liquid water into water vapor in the atmosphere. This gigantic system, powered by energy from the Sun, is a continuous exchange of moisture between the oceans, the atmosphere, and the land. And water vapor gets into the atmosphere from plants by a process called transpiration. Water enters the atmosphere via evaporation, transpiration, and sublimation. A.) the theme. evaporation condensation precipitation freezing 2 See answers floresdarinely05 floresdarinely05 It’s is evaporation hope this helps Transpiration is the evaporation of water from trees out and into the Earths atmosphere. A triangular monument is being constructed in a park. Water leaves the surface of the Earth and then turns in to a gas state before it condenses into clouds. There is always water in the atmosphere. The raw materials of photosynthesis, water and carbon dioxide, enter the cells of the leaf. With more heat the water evaporates more rapidly. Atmosphere is essential for life on earth because it isolates uv rays from sun. They create... All scientists follow one scientific method of investigation. By using this site, you consent to the use of cookies. This allows direct cytoplasm-to-cytoplasm flow of water and other nutrients along concentration gradients. Added 102 days ago|10/14/2020 12:12:31 PM. What is the purpose of the biogeochemical cycles? A.) Earth Science Weather Weather and Atmospheric Water. In most land plants, water enters the roots and is transported up to the leaves through specialized cells known as xylem (pronounced zigh-lem). One estimate of the volume of water in the atmosphere at any one time is about 3,100 cubic miles (mi 3) or 12,900 cubic kilometers (km 3). C) Condensation. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences. 100 points 1.Why are Western Europe’s rivers essential to its economy? Sunlight turns liquid water into water vapor which then rises higher into the atmosphere and forms into clouds. Transpiration is the evaporation of water from trees out and into the Earth's atmosphere. The leaf of a plant is protected by a waxy substance called the cuticle. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Through what process does water enter the atmosphere from the surface of plants? Which process allows water to enter the atmosphere? The water can enter the atmosphere from snow and ice with the process of sublimation where they also make water vapors. While a tree grows, it passes tons of water into the atmosphere through its leaves by a process called transpiration. Evaporation is the process that allows water to enter into the atmosphere. 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