Luffy is the Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and one of the strongest to sail the seas currently. Kuma can deflect anything Doffy throws at him and can teleport. Sabo and Ace wanted him to look forward to his future. 9 Weaker: Sabo. 5. share. He ain't Sabo level, unless you think Luffy is stronger than Sabo. 3. share. 1-SABO. Ivankov fought Magallan and was fine and has a hax fruit. 9 months ago. Report Save. Ace stood up again and went to pick up Luffy- "No!" Likes: Zoro D Goat. 9 months ago. Roƅ Suck my dick, Suit. I mean, I wasn't saying that you can't get stronger as you journey the Grand Line but Sabo trained himself since he was a kid and there's a difference to it. Dec 21, 2018 #9 Weaker than Luffy. Maybe because luffy is the protagonist and he getss all the spotlight? According to Luffy, Sabo is a nicer older brother than Ace. 2 in revolutionary without a reason. Of course he'll be fine! Click to expand... Oda probably wouldn't … Luffy questioned. Once he mastered his DF though it packs more power than the other two. Shanks is so much of a badass that he can casually block a full power attack from Akainu. Well, so far. We’ve seen Shanks block a full power Conquerers haki infused strike from Whitebeard. I think he’s like high commander level. One Piece is filled to the brim with some of the most feisty characters, but none more so than Kaido.He is one of the Yonko which makes him one of the strongest characters in the series. Sabo is the Revolutionary Army's chief of staff, recognized as the "No. He wields the power of the Gomu Gomu no Mi and has tremendously strong Haki. Not much is known about his abilities, anyway he was stated by Doflamingo to be a “true monster” in terms of power. Even without his Devil Fruit powers, Sengoku has great strength and speed; he is also shown to have a strong will as he was able to resist Luffy’s unconscious burst of Haoshoku Haki. Sabo nodded. Sabo is the Revolutionary Army’s chief of staff, recognized as the “No. Report Save. Sabo been getting high level training since he was young and his potential was close to Ace. BigMemeWasHere. Sabo is now 22. Luffy has taken his Haki to the next level by training it rigorously over time. Being the Number 2, it doesn't need explaining why he's weaker than Dragon. Oda has Luffy get more powerful than Sabo as a natural result of his own personal development through experiences and training. Luffy pouted. 11-DRACULE MIHAWK . Shanks is MASSIVELY stronger than Luffy. Ya know I had my own way of imagine what happen to sabo. In terms of fighting prowess, Luffy is, again, on a level above Queen's since he managed to defeat Katakuri. Sabo's dream involves traveling around the world as a pirate. "Agreed." Lucci may be strong, but he's not capable of beating either Luffy or Sabo as they are now. After joining the Revolutionary Army, Sabo was personally trained by Monkey D. Dragon and attained tremendous physical prowess by adulthood. level 1. Oct 18, 2020 #127. Not only is Sabo stronger than Luffy, but the gap is also significant. He acknowledged Luffy's powers, and even encouraged his improvement. Geralt-Singh The Grandmaster. The two boys ignored him as they kicked him off the tree as one, intent on knocking him out then tying him up. 2 years ago. Furthermore, he's gotten even stronger since then and his Haki control has improved drastically as well. Promise," Sabo said, sticking his pinky finger out. Sabo's haki is so good that it kinda makes it so he doesn't need a DF. Sabo is the right-hand man of the Revolutionary Dragon and the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army. Dec 21, 2018 #10 Doflamingo or Cracker level . Like he can give admiral level people a good fight but they’ll probably win if they’re serious. @thevivas: Sabo is at least as fast as G2 Luffy, and he's more than strong enough to rip Ajeel apart without even using Haki. Top 20 One Piece Characters Stronger Than Luffy. Dec 21, 2018 #11 BlueDemon said: Or that Lucci has faster growth than Luffy . Even without his logia devil fruit abilites, he still won against Luffy. Maybe in future lufffy will surpass sabo. "You'll get bigger and stronger, too. Now that he's got Ace's mera mera no mi with him. We have seen in Luffy's flashback that when they were little Sabo was equal in fightung strength to Ace and stronger than Luffy. Top 20 One Piece Characters Stronger Than Luffy. If Ace was still alive he would have gotten stronger and therefore the balance would have been maintained. The problem is Natsu doesn't go all out when the fight begins, so he'll end up getting defeated before he has the chance since this Luffy is apparently much stronger than the canon one. 3 Can't Beat: Kaido. Kaido is famed as the strongest creature in the entire world of One Piece, be it on land, on sea, or in air. His vivri card start to react when kaido beats him and aabo notice it. However, because Sabo is number two in the revolutionary army, and has had years of training, more than Ace or Luffy got, I'd have to say Sabo probably edges Luffy out in terms of strength. The only thing Doffy has is … Kaido is the captain of the Beasts Pirates. "Sabo will be ok too?" ONE PIECE : TOP 10 BEST DEVIL FRUITS In One Piece (which is unsurprisingly still ongoing) there are Devil Fruits that give supernatural powers, abilities and genetic modification to characters. 6-RYOKUGYU. 10 STRONGER THAN DOFLAMINGO: Monkey D. Luffy. Basically both have shown they are in same tier, but imo Marco relies on his DF a lot more than Sabo does, and Sabo has better physicals/ Haki. Luffy looked back to Sabo. Part of Mihawk’s reputation as the most powerful master swordsman in the world is also due to his tremendous superhuman physical power and fortitude which supplements his mastery of swordsmanship. HA001 said: Sabo > kata and king. Whitebeard was, undoubtedly, stronger than Dragon. I think sabo is stronger than luffy and he always has been. While he has gotten a lot stronger in the Whole Cake arc and is still progressing in Wano, he has some catching up to do in terms of the Revolutionary Army’s chief of staff. "Idiot! He wanted to get big like his brothers, and be strong, too. DA hawk Whayolookinat? Luffy now on the other hand is more arguably admiral level, and i couldn't see sabo being stronger than the luffy we have now. As of now, Luffy is not stronger than Sabo. That seemed to satisfy Luffy enough for the moment. He even sacrificed not to help Ace during the Battle in Marineford just to be with the RA. That gives him 12 long years of legit combat and being under Dragon, Monkey D. Dragon. Who raised Luffy? Oct 18, 2020 #127. 2. share. level 1. He's known as the second strongest person in the army, after Dragon himself. "GYAAAHH! level 1 . Top 20 One Piece Characters Stronger Than Luffy. Curly Dadan raised Luffy and he grows up with his two brothers Sabo and Ace but Ace’s mother is Portgace D Rouge but she died but Sabo had his parents but he didn’t love what they were doing so he left and met Ace and Luffy that’s why his mother didn’t raise him but what about Luffy? But, Luffy didn't need to know that. He's not No. Also we haven't seen sabo's full extent of power. We have to realize that Ace had always been stronger than Luffy (even as kids). RELATED: One Piece: 10 Rematches We'd Love To See He possesses a mythical zoan type devil fruit which allows him to turn into a dragon. He was fighting with his commander again the admiral. Since the way Ace and Luffy turned out it's safe to assume that Sabo, too, has great strength and endurance. Based on what? Luffy isn't stronger than him. Sabo is a lot stronger than you!" We have to keep in mind that he could defeat Luffy even before consuming the Mera Mera no Mi. "That's not nice, you know." He helped Ace and Luffy get along when they were fighting, thus being the nice, diplomatic one of the trio. Luffy and Ace started their journey legitimately when they were 17. Unluckily for them, Luffy's rubber properties made him practically immune to the fall, and eventually he was the one who trapped both of them together in the rubbery vice of his stretched arms. 2” of the entire organization, ranking directly under Monkey D. Dragon himself. One Piece Ally to Luffy & former underling to Doflamingo Bellamy might surprise us in the future Are you excited for One Piece Chapter 897, & Episode 828? "Come on, we need to get to Dandan's." Even so, Sabo is someone who is close to Luffy's level right now, which makes him stronger than the CP0 killer. In Naruto, Dragon Ball, My Hero Academia and other shonen anime, characters have supernatural powers unique to themselves. But in direct comparison the Luffy who is still younger than Ace and Sabo and is only a few weeks in the new world so far, achieved, way, way more than them. Luffy has been in the sea for only 2 years, close to 3. Because I believe all Sabo did was to train himself with the RA, while Luffy was busy voyaging the seas. Sabo's CoA is much stronger than luffy's. Sabo has technique, fighting knowledge, and on top of that, he can be a decent tactician, where as Luffy … Sengoku ate the “Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu” , a rarer-than-Logia Mythical Zoan-class Devil Fruit which allows him to turn into a gigantic Daibutsu. Ryokugyu is a Marine Admiral. Mihawk is a world-famous pirate who currently holds the title of “Greatest Swordsman in the World”. They didn't know if Luffy would continue to age like a human. Having become a fearsome pirate, Luffy has gained a bounty of 1.5 billion berries, which is higher than that of Queen's. Sabo's stronger than Luffy for now. Sabo is also 3 years older than Luffy. Sabo shifted his stance. But during the fight luffy also was fighting kaido. Report Save. Ace kept every hint of worry he could off of his face and out of his voice. Or that Lucci has faster growth than Luffy . He can probably use Haoshoku Haki along with other two more common types of Haki's. However Luffy was stuck on an island for an extra 3 years.

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