Nice lift, eh. This guide reveals all the form … I want to replace the t2 sumo Deadlifts with Romanian deadlifts in the hopes of raising my conventional and strengthening a few weakpoints of mine (that being lower back and to a smaller degree grip, which isn't a problem but I feel I should train it). Pretty cool, eh. Buddy, he reg deadlifted a 700 on a standard bar in training in his basement with his garbage weights. While it's an awesome variation for general strength building, it's also sparked controversy in the powerlifting community. You have a really nice, vertical starting position. Deadlfts are stupid. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ... Romanian Deadlift. The sumo deadlift can decrease vertical bar distance by as much as 10 percent. The main reason I really like this lift is the fact that I can apply both effective Isometric, Eccentric and oscillatory means to the RDL where its difficult and or risky to do this to the conventional deadlift. The deadlift is technically challenging and metabolically beneficial, arguably the most beneficial exercise you can perform . A properly performed RDL places significant stress on the hamstrings. Deadlifts hit some of the largest muscle groups in the body, especially the knee, hip, and lower back muscles, according to the Strength and Conditioning Journal.They also strengthen your core, leading to improved physical performance. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. It's called the sumo deadlift. The coan-phillipi program that you can find here is what I've used. Taking some notes from Joe Sullivan and slowing down my eccentric phase has greatly helped me find a strong starting position. Sumo Deadlift Setup. This sub has been closed. Long and windy stuff. It’s fair to say it would be a shorter list to name the muscle that don’t assist with this lift compared to the muscle that do. Smooth control. 645 sumo at 168 bodyweight here. 3. Romanian deadlifts: Legs are kept straight for the entire exercise, giving extra emphasis to the hamstrings. This helped me focus on the new technique queues I tried to implement. Check out our sumo deadlift guide. I would like to say that I'm decent at sumo pulling, so I guess I can chime in here? records and such as well, trophies in a case. Unlike moves that share its name, the Romanian deadlift … Then once the knees lock the HIPS come through and finish. I did tons of block pulls @ ~90% for triples and doubles (was running sheiko). He actually advised me to just do those, to a grinding single or a fail, once every two weeks and no other deadlifting or heavy back stuff. They go to 185 and the guy does it like nothing. The sumo deadlift does limit maximal hamstring and erector recruitment when compared to conventional and Romanian deadlifts, however is often used to … It's all very structured, unlike my lifting, eh. It was problematic, perhaps, definitely a pain in the aging prostate. I mean, I got plenty of hole-filled shorts to lift in now, but it's too late to utilize the technology in a functionally appropriate manner! That was it. That means training conventional most of the time for me, doing lots of rows, heavy farmers walks, beltless deads. Sobald du den Stand eingenommen hast, lockerst du deine Kniegelenke und beugst dich herunter zur Stange. I moved each foot about an inch a week. The Romanian deadlift differs from the traditional deadlift in that the movement is much more dependent on hamstring and hips strength, as well … He asks buddy if he can 'work in' just as he's starting to work up the weight ladder on his deads. Learn how to do a Romanian deadlift—a top exercise for strengthening your core, butt, and hamstrings. Will Romanian Deadlift Build Muscle Reddit And Are Carbs Good For Building Muscle. 91% Upvoted. You gotta really get down there low to pick up a weight like that. Hamstrings In a sumo deadlift your hamstrings are worked however, you do not get the same kind of muscle involvement like you do in the conventional deadlift. Added ~15% to my 1RM in those two hours. He goes to two arms, wraps them with some towels. Just a bunch of progressive singles, no big deal. I did fairly low reps with ~70% of my conventional max (515lbs) for 8-10 sets. SUMO DEADLIFT VS CONVENTIONAL. Went to Sumo and worked up to the same 405 and got stuck again, but Sumo felt like it wouldn't be as, what's the word real men don't use when they lift heavy things they don't have any real reason for lifting . Use this as a place to ask the more advanced lifters, who have actually had plateaus, how they were able to get past them. In case you are experiencing pain or injury in your knees or quads, the Romanian deadlift is a good alternative for working on your posterior chain. Welcome to the weekly installment of our Weakpoint Wednesday thread. Okay. I went back to reg deadlifts after that. I gotta say Sumo doesn't work for me. Deficits. So, stuck at 405 Sumo. Instead of being about hip-width apart, with sumo the feet are positioned wider than your hands. Did you know they used to call the dead lift a 'hands only'? So there it is. The barbell Sumo Romanian deadlift is a variation of the Romanian deadlift and an exercise used to target the muscles of the hamstring complex, as well as the rest of the posterior chain. A conventional deadlift works the posterior chain fairly evenly, with the legs pushing the ground away as your upper body extends. 11 comments . ... Set up for a sumo deadlift, but while sitting on a bench. The Sumo deadlift is a movement which both sounds cool and works extremely well. Sumo Kreuzheben. Just try to use some common sense, but more importantly, its your training, do what YOU want. Deficit conventional sometimes and not from large deficits, tried deficit sumo for a long time and went absolutely nowhere since it just made an even shittier starting position. However, for heavy work, just skipping the first ~3 inches of the ROM allowed me to go heavy pretty frequently with happy hips, and lighter pulls to knee height kept my bottom-end improving as well. What have you done to bring up a lagging Sumo Deadlift? I did it, works great. Go figure, eh. Is there anything you particular you changed to break the 800? Doing his deadlifts (regular!) Loved that guy and his approach to lifting! The Sumo Deadlift is one of the best exercises you can do to develop strong hips. Go figure, eh. Once a fool, always . An ideal sumo deadlift has almost 2 distinct phases. This was obviously unsustainable and further jumps have required calming the fuck down and obsessing over starting position. I'm stupid enough to know how foolish my decision making devices are and how easily I'm influenced wrongly by what I see, read, and hear. That's the thing about being old and farty and still lifting a bar and not sitting in a machine. The Deadlift is a vital compound strength exercise that targets the whole body. That's what I figured. Wow! Adjusted my stance, figured out how to brace my lats properly, started increasing my back work and doing variations of the deadlift to strengthen the areas where I was weak. Romanian deadlifts place less stress on your knees and quads. Good Luck and Good Night! I went up to 555lbs without much of a change in technique within a few months. To perform this exercise, you must assume a much wider stance than the Conventional Deadlift, which will decrease the distance the bar has to travel, and keep you in a much more upright posture. Where are/were you stalling? Bend at the hips to lower and grab the bar. The benefit is reduced ROM in exchange for a somewhat harder lockout in my experience. The Romanian deadlift has the potential to increase hamstring, glute, and lower back muscle mass, while minimizing potential injury due to often lighter loads being used (relative to the conventiona… Occasional mat pulls to feel heavier weight. This stance width allowed me to go from 555lbs to 635lbs within a year or so. Also foot placement helped drastically. We will be covering a variety of topics that covers all of the strength and physique sports, as well as a few additional topics. Decide whether you want to work your quads or your hams and glutes. . Same old guy told me, this is when he was 74, that he could probably reg dead 400 any time in street clothes (not a snappy dresser) with no more than two warmup sets. You might not be ready to use a conventional Olympic barbell, which is 45 pounds in weight. Read the program outline, read the r/fitness wiki, and choose whichever accessories that YOU want to go with it. Hier liegt die Arbeitsleistung vor allem auf den Beinen (vordere Oberschenkemuskulatur). I would have actually looked at examining my form more closely and got feedback from someone constantly. The deadlift is technically challenging and metabolically beneficial, arguably the most beneficial exercise you can perform . Sure. Getting it off the floor was my problem too, but for me the issue was my quads that weren't pulling (or pushing in this case) their weight. Sumo deadlifts: “You can try doing a sumo deadlift where you have an extra wide stance. Some hyperextensions in high reps if my back felt funky. This thread is archived. Gotta love that stuff. Romanian Deadlift (RDL) Pros. I'm fairly genetically gifted on deadlift leverages but overall it still seems to me that it's a lift that responds well to the mental component of obsession and the number of freaky deadlifters that keep popping up seems to indicate that as well. If you're a beginner, or fairly low intermediate, these threads are meant to be more of a guide for later reference. They were semisumo or wide stance conventional deadlifts. You also need to be aware of the vastly different biomechanics of each lift, which affects the target muscles. This strange dude commences to take the same and do a ONE ARM ZERCHER LIFT with it. Psychologically intimidating because I had repeatedly screwed my back when younger doing reg deadlifts. The sumo deadlift is an effective ultimate lower body exercise and the benefits go much further than just building big legs and a strong back. I only started pulling sumo about 4 months ago and before then I was strictly a conventional puller. Easily add weight to scale the difficulty with a dip belt. I do Romanian DB lift as one of my accessories on Squat/Sumo day. Difficulties. You can still lift heavy but the older you get the more it takes out of you and the less often you can do it. I got into it for a bit too and smashed my conventional PRs pretty rapidly doing what I thought were "sumo" deadlifts. He takes 135 as per the usual norm and does 3 easy ones. Looking back, what would you have done differently? Going above 85% outside of a peaking block fucked up my recovery. There's nothing that says you can't train deads like other lifts, I think the voodoo surrounding it leads people to only pull heavy and be afraid to actually work it which is dumb. Having said that, I also would've done more squatting especially with the SSB to build overall strength instead of being a deadlifty dipshit. Duh. Beim Sumo Kreuzheben (Sumo Deadlift) befinden sich die Hände zwischen den Beinen und der Stand ist besonders breit. Along with strengthening the lower body, deadlifts help to … The one strap black singlet/shorts thing, even a pair of those crazy high cut strap sandal deals. Press J to jump to the feed. Using an extra-wide stance switches the primary muscles used. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Since I barely had any sumo experience, I had to get as much pulls under my belt (heh) as I could before my competition. Press J to jump to the feed. It's not a Sumo dead. The sumo deadlift uses an exaggerated wide stance. 2. Once a fool, always . Real basic thing, but it worked for me. Looking back, I would quit being an asshole sooner. And less range of motion means less total work done by the muscles. If you’re just a beginner, focus on good technique and progressive overload first. The real question is what benefits don’t they offer? Gentilcore says his progression of the deadlift goes from kettlebell deadlift, to trap bar deadlift or Romanian deadlift, and then finally to a barbell deadlift (sumo … Sumo deadlift – The Sumo deadlift is a variation where one will approach the bar with the feet wider than shoulder-width apart and grip the bar with a close grip inside of one's legs and proceed with correct form. yeah, that proverb. Because of speed sets, I've added ~40 lbs to my deadlift in 4 months. The lower back doesn't work as hard, and the hips, hamstrings and quads pick up the slack. The dumbbell deadlift, a less-celebrated take on the much-vaunted barbell version, has your name on it. While we value your involvement on the sub, we don't want to create a culture of the blind leading the blind. I expect getting a fade-haircut would also add 5-10 lbs onto my max. The sumo deadlift relies on recruiting the hips, glutes, and legs to initiate the first portion of the pull, while the conventional has a more equal balance between the lower back and hamstrings. The dumbbell Romanian deadlift is an excellent alternative to the barbell deadlift. Some guy he'd never seen before came in and got outfitted in some of that weird old style strongman gear. . I have seen several lifters talking about how they vary sumo and conventional for fatigue maintenance and to get used to working with heavier weights. Sumo deadlifts are often performed using an overhand hook grip. Looking back, what would you have done differently? The main difference between the sumo and the conventional deadlift is the position of the feet and hands. Hook grip rack pulls. 2. Anyway OP just replace them, but i suggest to do them with straps, if you gonna do them without your gonna be limited by your grip and wont work any other weakness, RDL are nice to work lower back and hamstrings for grip add some other accessory. The sumo deadlifts tends to receive negativity in the lifting community, so we asked some of the world's best powerlifters for their thoughts on the topic. I personally have a lot of work to do with this movement. 6. The lower back doesn't work as hard, and the hips, hamstrings and … Beginners benefit from starting with a Romanian deadlift and progressing to a trap-bar deadlift. Went to Sumo and worked up to the same 405 and got stuck again, but Sumo felt like it wouldn't be as, what's the word real men don't use when they lift heavy things they don't have any real reason for lifting . as T2. Fellow T-Rex here. I probably would have done a lot more posterior chain work as well. share. You do not need to make a post asking for permission on rest periods, accessories, deloading, etc. When I was 60 or so I got stuck at 405 regular, no belt, or anything, but I believe my shorts had a hole in them. Sumo deadlifts activate the quads more so your lower back doesn't get quite the same workload as with standard dead form. Edit: growing a beard has also helped. The Sumo Romanian deadlift is a combination exercise that incorporates both a Sumo deadlift … Reddit; Twitter; Looking for a novel way to work your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back while burning a ton of calories at the same time? I'd try doing that first - you should try to keep to the actual routine imo. Do a regular RDL with a resistance band pulling back on your hips. scary, that's it. on a Saturday morning. Just because you're trying to cheat doesn't mean you shouldn't also be strong everywhere else. I'm not an exceptional sumo puller by any means (700 at 242), but mine has come a long way from the days when it was >200lbs less than my conventional. . save. This necessitates a couple different approaches: first, you start the lift at the top of the movement (with the bar at the waist) instead of the bottom, and second you perform the lift with a reduced range of motion since you can’t get the extra range of motion out of the knees. I can't imagine many powerlifter excluding the elite of the elite pulling heavier at that bodyweight. As a weak man I have found that lots of stretching has helped me pull easier. Hello, my fellow fit babes!We'll be going through how to do a Romanian Deadlift (RDL) on the Smith Machine today with correct form. I wanted to go Sumo 'cause I saw so many name lifters using it. I spent two hours in the gym on Saturday videoing myself pulling singles and fixing my start position bit by bit. . I also injured my back while squatting which caused me to avoid deadlifting/squatting almost completely for a while. Written by: Kevin Cann The conventional deadlift versus the sumo deadlift is one of the great debates in the strength sports. Pausing just after breaking the floor if you're going to do paused. The sumo deadlift, on the other hand, is slightly more nuanced and technical. . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I do not nearly do enough good mornings/stiff legged deadlifts/Romanians as I should. I want to replace the t2 sumo Deadlifts with Romanian deadlifts in the hopes of raising my conventional and strengthening a few weakpoints of mine (that being lower back and to a smaller degree grip, which isn't a problem but I feel I should train it). At 65. I was churning my wheels by doing touch and go reps. My advice to newer sumo pullers is to reset every rep, and use speed sets to hammer the technique in. It's almost like the less you do them, the less actual deadlifting you do, the less stuff you do to fix them, the easier it is to make your numbers go up. There are lots of different types of deadlifts, but three of the most common are the conventional deadlift – the one you’ll see most often – the Romanian deadlift, and the sumo deadlift. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift (RDL) Introduction. I've also gotten a lot out of a more active warmup to spend less time fucking around with the bar. I took a moderate stance, with my shins basically parallel. Had some B.C. Conventional deadlifts work your posterior chain while trap bar deadlifts train the quads. 135. The conventional deadlift is often done with a barbell; your feet are placed within your grip . Granted, this is not powerlifting standards, but I'm mainly a hobby deadlifter at this point. Lowered just enough to remove tension and not be touch and go while still keeping the position it puts you in. The sumo deadlift relies on recruiting the hips, glutes, and legs to initiate the first portion of the pull, while the conventional has a more … Grizzled, cantankerous cancer survivor. Another biomechanical difference is the torso is much more upright than the traditional deadlift and this can serve to remove some of the strain on the low back. In other words, the sumo deadlift definitely works the hamstrings hard. . Deadlifts are one hell of a movement which means you should be doing them if you’re not already. In fact, getting into a sumo stance to lift anything heavy is quite common (So you can see where we’re getting at with this). And after all that crap, it turns out my post wasn't deleted: "Wide stance half squat from the bottom position. There's really only one thing I've noticed that absolutely does not help my sumo deadlift : frequently pulling sumo. Others may disagree with this point. Really working on my hip flexibility allowed my to get a better position closer to the bar and reduce my range of motion. Recently I went from 610 to 645 while cutting 12 lbs of bodyweight. There are a little sumo romanian deadlift massage expert in SH City but most people in the synthesize a significantly making a hot bath in the pectorals and the need for targeted stomach muscles a thorough and this leads to a bigger stronger and more information about please visit our at – Benefits of Visiting the site. I only switched to sumo to get a feel for it. Romanian deadlifts are one of many types of moves that fall into this umbrella category. Ah crap, the other thing - not using straps until I really had to when working up the deadlift sets.". A lot of things. Unlike the conventional and Romanian deadlift, the sumo deadlift stresses the lower back less so as the torso is more vertical, allowing other back muscles to pick up some slack. What worked? 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